
Dec 29, 2010

ALJ Pay Frozen As Well

From the Washington Post:
The two-year pay freeze that is now law for federal employees on the pay scale known as the General Schedule will also apply to hundreds of thousands of civil servants whose wages are set under a separate salary system, according to an executive order signed last week by President Obama. ...

They include ... administrative law judges and attorneys ...


  1. "They include ... administrative law judges and attorneys"

    What type of person would think otherwise?

    These government employees(alj,attorneys)are overpaid(100,000+ yearly). They should be smart enough to know it.

  2. The freeze should apply to anyone that receives a paycheck from the Federal government. Not right to exclude some groups.

    I don't mind doing my part to get spending under control, but I'm pretty sure Congress will just blow the money on something else. So in two years the debt and deficit will be bigger, and I’ll still be making what I’m making now.
