
Dec 9, 2010

ALJs Want More Security

From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Mark Brown, a federal Social Security judge in St. Louis, recalls spending time in his courtroom with Russell Weston, the Southern Illinois man who later entered the U.S. Capitol and shot two police officers to death.

Brown cites the case to show that the nation's 1,400 Social Security judges can face potentially violent petitioners. He is pushing the federal government for more guards, better meeting rooms and other changes to improve the judges' safety. ...

Randall Frye, a Social Security judge in North Carolina and president of the association, said that besides additional guards, the biggest need was larger hearing rooms enabling more space between the judge and people pressing claims. He said that hearing rooms now averaged 300 square feet or less, about the size of a large bedroom.

Is Judge Brown giving the name of a claimant who appeared before him?


  1. What I find interesting is that when you look at SSA's ALJ disposition data sheet, ALJ Brown has only heard 14 cases this year, while ALJ Frye has only heard 67. Are they too scared of the claimants to hold a respectable number of hearings?

  2. Judge Brown is on the IFPTE contact negotiation team as well as his regular union responsibilities

  3. TSA for SSA is on the way. LOL

  4. Nice!I learn a little bit more every week about what being a SAHD means.
