
Dec 3, 2010

Number Of Threats Increases Dramatically

From a report by Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG):
Preventing workplace violence is a growing concern. Public interest and media attention have focused on recent incidences of violence at Federal facilities. ...

SSA [Social Security Administration] uses the Automated Incident Reporting System (AIRS), an online, incident-based reporting system, to collect data about incidents that affect the safety and security of SSA’s personnel, property, or operational capabilities. ...

SSA has experienced a dramatic increase in the number of reported threats against its employees or property. The number of threats recorded in AIRS increased by more than 50 percent in Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 and by more than 60 percent in FY 2010. ...


  1. I believe metal detectors should be put in all office buildings. Why have cameras and not metal detectors? Does management want to spy on its employees? I understand cameras are for our protection but so are metal detectors. The number of incidents have gone up and management doesn't care since they don't talk very much with the public. I guess they are waiting for a big incident to happen but by that time it will be too late.

  2. Our Area Director recently told us that the Director of Operations personally reads all incident reports submitted by the field and is considering additional lifetime office bans for some problem cases. She also reminded us that we can reduce incidents by providing better public service in returning phone calls and treating people with respect and dignity. No doubt that the employees' responses can escalate an already tense situation. However, providing more staff to do the business of the office would also help and maybe help a bit more.

    But many of our usual clientele are those that get upset whenever they don't get their way and no amount of respectful treatment will make a difference. And coddling those people takes time away from finishing the work needed for the people waiting quietly.
