
Dec 16, 2010

Saturday Shutdown?

From Federal Times:

The federal government could be headed for a shutdown at midnight Saturday, and the problem might not be fixed before Monday morning rush hour, Senate sources say.

Agencies currently are operating at fiscal 2010 spending levels under a continuing resolution that expires at midnight Saturday. It remains possible for the Senate to pass another short-term CR that would keep the government running for another three or four days beyond Saturday, then to vote on final appropriations for the entire fiscal year. But Senate sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, cite another scenario that could lead to a shutdown.

There is a strong possibility opponents of the $1.1 trillion fiscal 2011 omnibus funding bill will require clerks to read aloud the 1,924-page Senate document. Reading the bill is expected to start sometime on Friday, and not be finished until Sunday. Reading of the bill could be followed by another day or more of debate. Then, the Senate may not be able to vote on funding until 1 a.m. Monday, at the earliest.

Senate leaders believe a midnight Saturday shutdown of the government would cause little harm because essential employees are required to work even if there is no funding and most government workers wouldn't return to the office until Monday.

If the problem runs into Monday, federal workers likely would report to work for the day but could be sent home, Senate sources said.

The good news is the implicit assumption that the votes are there to pass on omnibus spending bill. I hope it is true that opponents can only slow it down, not stop it. Even if this passes, Social Security and other government agencies are not out of the woods. There will be a risk of a government shutdown when the debt ceiling needs to be raised. That date will apparently arrive in early Spring.

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