
Jan 12, 2011

A 10% Cut In Federal Employees -- What Harm Could That Cause?

From the Washington Post:

A Texas Republican congressman wants to cut the federal workforce by 10 percent in the next decade, impose a three-year pay freeze across federal agencies and Capitol Hill, and trim government printing and vehicle costs.

Rep. Kevin Brady's bill, the Cut Unsustainable and Top-heavy Spending (CUTS) Act, is the first detailed series of spending proposals introduced in the GOP-controlled House that targets government operations and the federal workforce. Democrats and federal employee unions have long expected the GOP to target domestic spending programs and the workforce in an effort to trim the federal deficit.

Brady chairs the Joint Economic Committee and is a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee - perches likely to put him at the center of Congress's forthcoming debate on government spending and deficits.


  1. Dear Republican congress:

    Trim 10% off the salaries not the workforce.

  2. 10 percent over 10 years is not that big of a deal. You have 10 people in your office, one retires, quits or dies, there is your 10 percent.

    I'm more pissed about no raise for another, since as part of the budget it's a drop in the bucket and they will surely just spend the money on some other BS like foreign aid. After three years of no raises, the debt and deficit will most likely be higher than they are now.

  3. ending the wasted resources in iraq and afghanistan would be a good start.

  4. There's no need to cut jobs. A freeze in new hiring along with the retirement wave expected over the next couple of years will likely take care of the 10% plus some. What it does to service at SSA is anybody's guess.

  5. SSA could cut 10% of its managers immediately and no drop in production would ever occur as a result. But don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
