
Jan 17, 2011

The Waiting Room Videos

I had a hearing recently that was scheduled at a Social Security field office. The field office had recently moved to a new building. Hearings at field offices had been rare in the past but that may be changing.

I sat in the waiting room for about ten minutes before it was time for my client's hearing. I had a chance to see and hear the video that was playing. The video was intended to educate those waiting. The concept of the video was to mix the education with a travelogue. What I saw started out in Charleston, SC. There was an interviewer and an interviewee. I think the interviewer was a Social Security public affairs employee and the interviewee was the Charleston District Office manager, who appeared to have ankylosing spondylitis (which has a rather distinctive appearance). Mostly, they were taking a carriage ride around the elegant city of Charleston describing some sights and spouting some Social Security information. The next segment was in Bowling Green, KY. I saw little of it before I was called to my client's hearing. What I saw of both segments was a bit clunky. That did not bother me. I see no reason why Social Security should go all out for slickness. Conceptually, doing it as a travelogue seemed like a great idea to me. The subject matter is inherently boring. You have to do something to spice it up.

The videos I saw were of two cities in Social Security's Atlanta Region. Is this video just being shown in the Atlanta Region? What is being shown in other regions?

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