
Feb 12, 2011

Fantasy Time For House Republicans

The House Republican leadership has released information about what it wants in the budget for fiscal year (FY) 2011. FY 2011 began on October 1, 2010. We are now four and a half months into FY 2011 and operating on a Continuing Resolution (CR), allowing the agency to continue spending at the same rate as in FY 2010. The Republicans want to reduce the budget for FY 2011 to $997.6 million below the President's proposed budget for the year and $625 million below the FY 2010 rate. If this became law all of that $625 million reduction would come out of the remainder of FY 2011. I cannot say exactly what the result would be but I think it is a safe bet that there would be a significant reduction in force at Social Security.

The only hope that Republicans have of getting anything like this, indeed of getting any reduction below the FY 2010 budget, is to shut down the government. Otherwise, Democrats have no reason to do anything other than to counter by offering a CR for the remainder of FY 2011. This all comes to a head in less than three weeks.

Tune in Monday for a history lesson on what happened at Social Security the last time there was a government shutdown.


  1. Fantasy, hmmm. Try this one on. The House Republican budget is attached to the bill to raise the national debt, passes the House and goes to the Senate. The Senate then will have the choice of passing the bill or closing down the government. It will be Harry Reid and Obama's choice to close down the government or accept the spending reductions.

  2. Not quite that clean and easy. Senate deletes the Republican "Budget" and sends back a simple CR extension/debt ceiling raise. Lots of ping-ponging likely; who's at "fault" will depend on who spins best.
