
Feb 11, 2011

Government Shutdown Looming?

From Bill Matthews writing at Fedblog:

With the March 4 expiration date looming for the continuing resolution that's funding the federal government, budget expert Stan Collender offers this advice: Prepare for a government shutdown.

It is more likely than not that Congress will fail to agree on a new budget for 2011 in time to prevent the federal government from running out of money and simply closing its doors, Collender said Feb. 10.

"My strong suspicion is that the Republicans need to shut down the government once to show the Tea Party folks that they are willing to do it," he said during a discussion of the 2012 budget that's scheduled to unveiled Feb. 14. "I think there's a better than 50-50 chance that we will have one or more shutdowns, and at least one will be longer than a couple of days." ...

Layoffs are likely to happen earlier if there is a shutdown this year, he said. "I can tell you because I've talked to members of the contracting community and to [business] associations, and they've already started to prepare for this possibility."


  1. Yes. That worked well for Newt some years ago (sarcasm).

  2. Much depends on how it happens--i.e., what steps the Republicans take, how reasonable those steps are (or are perceived to be), how measured/temperate the President's actions are (or are perceived to be), etc. Some may be substance; much will be spin.

  3. The difference this year is the debt ceiling vote, unlike in 1995. Some of the Teabaggers elected have a goal of stopping the raise in the ceiling. If this isn't passed, not only does the Government shut down, it could very well cause a worldwide financial panic because the United States would have defaulted on its debt, something that's never happened in history.

    This is a lot bigger deal than a one or two day shutdown and a political fight here. It could resonate all over the world.

  4. That's what ya get for electing a bunch of short sighted rednecks. Wait until six-pack Joe doesn't get his VA or SSA check or Ms. Six pack can't resolve her IRS issues. Or they get laid off because there isn't enough business for their employers to keep going.

    That'll teach those wasteful 100K federal workers. The Feds will end up getting paid after the fact and the public will get screwed. All because of the savvy marketing of fear by incredibly rich right wingers who financed the tea party idiots because they had "voter appeal". Talk about a dumbed down voting contingency.

    Anyone who makes less than $250,000 per year and who votes Republican for ANY REASON is a self-defeating idiot.

  5. I agree with Anonymous 4 X 1000.

  6. I voted for these idiots and I'm already SORRY. They said they heard the people and instead of concentrating on jobs they are concentrating of defeating the democrats. If they cause our nation to default they will, some how, blame it on the democrats.
