
Feb 7, 2011

New Union Agreement

The union that represents most Social Security employees reports that it has reached agreement with Social Security on a new contract. No details have been released but as described by the union the new agreement is almost identical to the old agreement. The big issue may have been affording lactating women employees the opportunity to use breast pumps on the job! It makes you wonder why it took so long to negotiate the contract.

Update: This is actually not a full contract -- just some items in the contract. If they have to negotiate hard on such uncontroversial matters as these, it is hard to imagine ever completing negotiation on a full contract.


  1. there is no agreement on a new contract -- they have agreed on a few non-contentious articles.

  2. AFGE wants to go back to the good old days of 200+ full time reps in the Agency. That's 200 non-producing people with full salaries and benefits paid by the U.S. taxpayer. At a time when every SSA employee is critically needed AFGE essentially wants to pad its own payroll.

  3. Don't know if it is related, but today an e-mail was sent out with TMI about when women can milk themselves at work.

  4. JMS: Agreed. I'm a union supporter but generally feel that most public sector unions are not only unnecessary but detrimental to public service. AFGE has always been a joke, and a lot of those so-called "leaders" only want to boost their own egos.

  5. Charles,

    Please remove the comment from anon 9:20 pm,it is offensive. Maybe not purposefully but offensive just the same.

  6. Another victory for the working woman--the right to lactate at the office. Huzzah! What a milestone!;)

  7. Offensive? My goodness, this poster is straight from the 19th century. I'm always surprised when such troglodytes crop us.

    Is it "TMI"? For some, obviously it is. For those who need the information, it clearly isn't. Grow up, people.

  8. "Offensive? My goodness, this poster is straight from the 19th century. I'm always surprised when such troglodytes crop us."

    Well I wonder in their wildest dreams how many people would have said in 1975 when I began working at SSA that information would be sent to everyone about getting breast milk at work or the Union would be fighting for the right to do it? This is an advancement of society and civilization?

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Agree with A7...what a bunch of self-indulgent c**p. There are a heck of a lot more pressing issues at SSA than women lactating at work. The Union is worthless and always has been.

  11. What I meant by offensive was the nomenclature used. "women can milk themselves". That is offensive and belittling to women and the breastfeeding process. Nothing 19th century about it. How about, women can now express breast milk while at work. Don't play dumb. I still ask Charles to remove the comment. He has removed much less offensive remarks.

  12. I agree that the wording of the comment "women can milk themselves" is offensive. And unless any of you have ever been a full-time working woman who also wanted to provide the benefit of breastmilk to her baby, you don't understand the challenges this presents. Many offices have no place where a woman can pump her milk and store it. The health benefits of breastmilk are well-documented and all workplaces should provide an appropriate place where a mother can pump her milk during breaks. When I had my last baby, this was an issue for me -- now where to pump -- not even an outlet in the bathroom where I access it from a private stall.

  13. Well if your child needs breast milk your butt should be home with your child giving it. This plus the daycare center just makes it so women aren't inconvenienced by their child.

  14. The union was correct to press on this issue, but there are more pressing issues at SSA, like mandatory adjudication days for brutal managers that feel like you don't need one lousy day ever to adjudicate and credit hour and OT requests. I know there are some things that have folks upset, which the Union really has no control over. I guess we have to talk to our Congressperson about the large increase in middle management positions. We have crony positions for management like OO, MSS, Staff Assistant. The Work Units are down because too much management has to be carried. I can't wait to retire since this job is stressing me out, should be in 2012 if they want to start downsizing the employees!

  15. Well Anon 5:58 it is obvious that you did not spend enough time with your mommy. Your comment exposes your ignorance unlike anything I could ever say.

    Anon 9:15 I agree that as important as the breast feeding benefit is, there are much more pressing issues. Management can definitely be a large part of the problem, but so can union featherbedding. AFGE sends the same people over and over to negotiate then wonder why the don't get different results. Favoritism is live and well in both L and M.

  16. This a trivial issue. Yes, it's very touchy-feely, but as usual AFGE fails to do anything of real value to the bargaining unit. I'm amazed that breast feeding/expressing mother's milk in the workplace has become a human right. There are millions of us who were bottle fed and are quite healthy in our 40s and 50s. As much as I believe in women's rights and gender equality, this is ridiculous.

    If AFGE was a real union like the Steelworkers or the UAW, they'd address real issues. Pitiful.
