
Feb 18, 2011

Social Security Warning Of Furloughs If Republican Budget Proposal Adopted

Mr. James E. Marshall, Spokesperson
SSA/AFGE General Committee
P.O. Box 1698
Falls Church, VA 22041
Dear Mr. Marshall:
Pursuant to Article 4 of the National Agreement, this letter serves as notice to bargain over the impact and implementation of a furlough procedure in the event of an Agency furlough. It is important to note that the Commissioner has not decided to effectuate a furlough. However, given the potential of reduced Congressional appropriations for the remainder of the fiscal year, the Agency is issuing this notice at this time in the event that a furlough may become necessary.
Following receipt of a request to bargain, management is prepared to bargain over negotiable proposals concerning procedures and arrangements related to the aforementioned issue. Any bargaining will be in accordance with the Statute and Article 4 of the SSA/AFGE National Agreement. Accordingly, since this notice is being provided electronically, any bargaining must commence no later than the first Tuesday following the twenty-eighth (28) calendar day period after the receipt of this notice. In accordance with Article 4, Section 1(B), failure to request to bargain within the timeframes set out for national level bargaining may result in unilateral implementation.
Pursuant to Article 4, Section 3(C), please submit your reply to this notice by electronic correspondence to Should you wish to discuss this matter please contact Eddie Taylor at (410) 965-7066.
Jay Clary
Acting Associate Commissioner
Office of Labor-Management
and Employee Relations

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