
Mar 18, 2011

ALJ Removed From Job After Assault On Domestic Partner

The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has affirmed the removal of Danvers E. Long from his position as an Administrative Law Judge with the Social Security Administration based on a charge of conduct unbecoming his position. Long had worked at the Fort Lauderdale hearing office. Here is an excerpt from the decision describing the charge against Long:
At approximately 11:00 p.m. on January 27, 2008, Long was involved in a physical altercation ... with his domestic partner, Lilia Vanessa Castro ... who is the mother of his youngest child ... The physical altercation began when Castro returned home, after leaving their child in Long’s care, to discover that Long was asleep in their bedroom and the child was not with him [sic]. ...

Castro explained that Long repeatedly struck and pushed her and that he accidentally struck their child. The police observed, and took digital photographs of, physical injuries on Castro’s face, forearm, and thigh as well as a red mark on the child’s face. Long was arrested and, on February 21, 2008, was charged with one count of domestic violence battery and one count of culpable negligence. The prosecutor later entered a nolle prosequi on the criminal charges against Long.

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