
Mar 3, 2011

Budget News

The Associated Press is saying that the White House is willing to agree to more than $6 billion in additional spending cuts over the rest of the fiscal year. The question is whether this would be a prelude to a settlement with House Republicans or whether this would only end up buying a little more time. At some point, the White House has to say it will no longer carve slices off the salami, that there must be a deal to keep the government open for the rest of the fiscal year.

The White House is not saying where this $6 billion might come from but I would be quite surprised if any of it comes from the Social Security Administration's budget. There is every sign that this White House understands the need for additional funding for Social Security.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah four and six billion out of 1.2 trillion budget is carving up the budget. If this is the best they can do we are doomed.
