
Mar 2, 2011

Commissioner's Broadcast E-Mail

A Message To All SSA And DDS Employees

So good news, at least for now.

The House and Senate have passed legislation providing for a two-week extension of the continuing resolution that includes four billion dollars of cuts, none of which reduces our budget any further.

I want to thank all of you for staying focused on your work during this difficult period. We recently had a successful launch of some important new systems improvements, average processing time for hearings dropped to exactly one year (a reduction of about six months over the past three years), the staff and contractors have started development work on the common IT system for the DDS’s and we are wrapping up the Special Disability Workload effort after a decade of fine work. Most measures of quality and responsiveness are at recent or all-time highs.

I will be testifying before the Senate Appropriations Committee next week about our budget, and we will be sure to update you about that hearing and other developments in the coming weeks.

Thanks again for all you do.

Michael J. Astrue



  1. So they "slashed" four billion from a 1.2 trillion budget. Glad to see they are finally serious about getting spending under control. LOL

  2. No, LOL, it wasn't 4 billion from a 1.2 trillion budget. That budget covered a full year; we're now down to about 1/2 the year, and the four billion is the 2 week down-payment on the final plan (yet to be worked out) for the remainder of the FY. So keep your shorts from getting in a knot, little guy. There's more to come.
