
Mar 27, 2011

Medicare Premium Increase To Gobble Up COLA?

From the Associated Press:
Millions of retired and disabled people in the United States had better brace for another year with no increase in Social Security payments.

The government is projecting a slight cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security benefits next year, the first increase since 2009. But for most beneficiaries, rising Medicare premiums threaten to wipe out any increase in payments, leaving them without a raise for a third straight year.


  1. "The Medicare trustees project a Part B premium of $113.80 a month for next year. Obama's budget projects a monthly premium of $108.20, said Donald McLeod,"

    It's $115.40 this year, so unless you are still paying the 2009 or 2010 rate, where does the 2012 premium wipe out the COLA?

  2. Most recipients are paying the 2009 rate; for them the Medicare increase could wipe out the COLA:

    "The 2009 premium levels, which are still paid by about three-fourths of beneficiaries, are $96.40 a month."

  3. Can't wait to answer those phone calls........

  4. I like to know how the 2012 premium is going down if 3/4 of people enrolled haven't been paying the full premium for the past two years? Isn't the premium rate supposed to cover 25 percent of what it costs to run the program?

  5. are people really complaining about a $20/month increase? If so, those people have HUGE problems. Come on people, why weren't you saving money when you were working?

  6. I am a disabled senior and I am getting under a thousand dollars a month for S.S. I am sick and tired of this government taking my money that I WORKED FOR AND EARNED FOR MYSELF and using it for some junk that they can think up lik supporting all their own pockets and the foreign countries . WHAT ABOUT OUR COUNTRY AND HER PEOPLE.??????
    I worked for the money I am getting and I don't think that our government has a right to STEAL our money away to pay for other things in this country that are responsible for taking themseves. I wish I could go and live in anothr country. I am sick and tired of our government employees stealing our money to enjoy for themselves. Who do you people think you are anyway????????? I EARNED IT AND NOT YOU!

  7. Unfortunately we are earning and paying the money into the system as well. It is so sickening to hear people complain about all government employees taking their earned tax money, aren't we tax payers also? If we are, then aren't we getting paid on the same money we are paying out? Aren't we also working to pay for the benefits that many haven't worked for? Come on people...
