
Mar 30, 2011

Santorum Says That Social Security's Problems Are Caused By Abortion

From the Los Angeles Times:
Social Security's future insolvency problem is caused in part by abortion, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum said Tuesday.

The presidential aspirant and devout social conservative told a New Hampshire radio station on Tuesday that the cash shortfalls facing the 76-year-old Social Security system could be lessened if not for the country's "abortion culture." He was responding to a caller who made similar comments.

"Well, a third of all the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion," he said. "We are depopulating this country, and we're seeing the birth rate is below replacement rate for the first time in history."

1 comment:

  1. This guy has to be one of the Republican's biggest jerks. The counter to this silly argument is immigration, of course. What a doofus. No wonder PA voters booted him out.
