
Apr 16, 2011

ALJ Leopold Dies

I regret to pass on the news that Administrative Law Judge Richard L. Leopold of Charlotte died this morning of an apparent heart attack while playing golf.


  1. I am not trying to be "smart" here, but one has to say, having a heart attack while doing one of your favorite things (golf, bowling, sex) isn't such a bad way to go. But then, not having "gone" myself, how the heck would I know?

  2. He passed away Friday evening, actually, and his wife was with him when it happened. He was far too young to pass away, even if it it was during an activity he enjoyed. He will be sorely missed.

  3. I am an attorney who appeared before him the day before he passed away. As always, he was a kind and compassionate jurist. While I only knew him in his courtroom, he never failed to treat me and my clients with the utmost courtesy and respect. The agency would be hard pressed to find a better ambassador of its public mission. Judge Leopold struck me as the kind of person who would give the shirt off his back if he thought someone needed it. I will miss his presence on the bench very much, and I extend my heartfelt sympathy to his wife, family and friends who will surely miss this very smart and noble man. It seems God has made heaven all the richer. Attorney Paul Jenkins

  4. I knew Judge Leopold for almost 30 years... and you're right. He would have given you his shirt. He was an amazing person... and a great friend. I will miss him.
