
Apr 15, 2011

Bad Axe Service Gets The Axe

From the Huron, MI Daily Tribune:
BAD AXE — County officials learned April 1 the Social Security Administration no longer will send representatives to the county building on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month to help residents with Social Security business.

“Because the administration is cutting back on travel, they no longer will be sending a representative twice a month to the court house,” explained Huron County Board of Commissioners Executive Secretary Jodi Essenmacher, who received notice April 1 that effective that day, Social Security Administration (SSA) representatives no longer would be coming to the county.

Instead, the county on Tuesday entered into an agreement to allow SSA to set up a video terminal to service county residents.


  1. at least you get that. ssa in indiana has stopped in cass county send there at all unless you call him to make an appointment to come down here. and the closes office is at least 45 min away in another county. aimee

  2. How many motor vehicle office does each state have? Why do people think there should be an SSA office on every corner? Money is tight and is going to get tighter, so things will need to be cut.

  3. Money is tight but not as tight as the Republicans are making it out to be. Many people cannot travel and need SSA to come to them.

  4. Agree with A#2. This is overdue. Those trips aren't worth the travel costs. They should also go after small resident stations that don't justify their staffing. If the USPS has to cut back on offices, why is SSA sacred?
