
Apr 8, 2011

Bad Timing

I will be having surgery later this morning. As a result, I will be unable to post on this blog for at least a day, probably two days, maybe longer. You never know about these things.

I am sure that every media outlet in the U.S. will be relaying the news about the possible government shutdown.

Update: Thanks for the good wishes. I am home and not feeling too bad, considering. I think I will post something soon about what brought about the surgery, if for no other reason to reduce the number of times that I will have to repeat a lengthy explanation. I know that everyone thinks their medical condition is fascinating to other people. I will try not to bore readers. I will say now that my story begins with quite a bang and goes into an area of medicine that you just about never see in representing Social Security disability claimants even though it is very close to an area we see all the time.


  1. Please take care of yourself first.

  2. Hurry back, Mr. Hall, but not too fast. Get well first.

  3. I did get shock about the new "American government shutdown" this morning. :(

  4. SSA just announced the ODAR ALJ hearings will be held, regardless. Check with your local office.

  5. Take good care of yourself Charles.

    A Message To All SSA And DDS Employees

    Subject: Federal Government Shutdown

    I realize that the continuing budget uncertainty is causing stress and anxiety, and I certainly understand the hardships that a shutdown would cause. You should know that all of the work you do matters. I am thankful to you for your dedication to the public even during these difficult times, and I am proud of all the progress you have made over the last few years. While the Administration continues to work to prevent a shutdown, I need to tell you what will happen if there is not an agreement by Monday.

    Consistent with what the law allows us to do, if there is a Government shutdown, we will continue certain limited agency activities to pay benefits. Employees in our field offices, teleservice and program service centers, and State disability determination services will report to work to provide limited services. For example, we will take and process new claims, but we will not issue new or replacement Social Security cards. ALJs will also report to work. With the exception of small numbers of people required to maintain critical systems and other functions, Baltimore headquarters and regional offices will essentially be closed, as will the rest of the Office of Disability and Adjudication Review. Your managers are being briefed now and shortly will share specific details of what work is covered and who will report to work on Monday if there is a Government shutdown.

    We will pay those of you who work once Congress gives us an appropriation or institutes another continuing resolution. However, media reports indicate that Congress may decide not to pay employees who are not authorized to work.

    I know you will have many questions about your particular situation. The Office of Personnel Management has established a website at to provide information. We have also established a website at

    This situation is fluid. I cannot tell you if the shutdown will happen or how long a shutdown will last. Therefore, it is important that you check for status. We will post information to our website above, and we have established a special toll free number 1-866-909-6876 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) that will contain the most recent information about the status of the shutdown. Similar to weather related events, you should check this number to hear our status, changes to our shutdown plan, and whether you should report to work.

    Again, thank you for being the best employees in Government. Please hang in there and keep your fingers crossed that we’ll all be able to report to work on Monday.

    Michael J. Astrue

  7. Hope your surgery goes smoothly. We will miss your invaluable blog, even if only for a few days.

  8. Get well soon. Thanks for all you do.


    A Message To All SSA And DDS Employees

    Subject: Federal Government Shutdown

    I realize that the continuing budget uncertainty is causing stress and anxiety, and I certainly understand the hardships that a shutdown would cause. You should know that all of the work you do matters. I am thankful to you for your dedication to the public even during these difficult times, and I am proud of all the progress you have made over the last few years. While the Administration continues to work to prevent a shutdown, I need to tell you what will happen if there is not an agreement by Monday.

    Consistent with what the law allows us to do, if there is a Government shutdown, we will continue certain limited agency activities to pay benefits. Employees in our field offices, teleservice and program service centers, and State disability determination services will report to work to provide limited services. For example, we will take and process new claims, but we will not issue new or replacement Social Security cards. ALJs will also report to work. With the exception of small numbers of people required to maintain critical systems and other functions, Baltimore headquarters and regional offices will essentially be closed, as will the rest of the Office of Disability and Adjudication Review. Your managers are being briefed now and shortly will share specific details of what work is covered and who will report to work on Monday if there is a Government shutdown.

    We will pay those of you who work once Congress gives us an appropriation or institutes another continuing resolution. However, media reports indicate that Congress may decide not to pay employees who are not authorized to work.

    I know you will have many questions about your particular situation. The Office of Personnel Management has established a website at to provide information. We have also established a website at

    This situation is fluid. I cannot tell you if the shutdown will happen or how long a shutdown will last. Therefore, it is important that you check for status. We will post information to our website above, and we have established a special toll free number 1-866-909-6876 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) that will contain the most recent information about the status of the shutdown. Similar to weather related events, you should check this number to hear our status, changes to our shutdown plan, and whether you should report to work.

    Again, thank you for being the best employees in Government. Please hang in there and keep your fingers crossed that we’ll all be able to report to work on Monday.

    Michael J. Astrue

  10. Sending prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.

  11. I,m 62 & waiting for ss disabilty in Ohio. Now in my 8th year and waiting for the next hearing(a remand from the a/c). I've been reading your blog everyday.Your blog has helped me with my case. You do a fantastic job.I'm praying that all goes well for you with your surgery and your overall health. God Bless

  12. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  13. Best wishes and a quick recovery.

  14. Feel better and come back soon!
