
Apr 6, 2011

Furloughted Workers Should Not Expect To Be Paid

From the Washington Post:

Rep. James Moran (D-Va), whose Northern Virginia district is home to thousands of federal employees, said furloughed workers should not expect to be paid, based on feedback he is getting from Republican colleagues in Congress.

“It is highly unlikely that about 1 million federal employees who are not working will ever be reimbursed,” Moran said in a conference call Wednesday with reporters. He called the majority of his GOP colleagues “far more anti-government in terms of their mindset” than former House Speaker Newt Gingrich during the 1990s shutdown, when Congress agreed to reimburse furloughed workers retroactively.

1 comment:

  1. His GOP colleagues appear to be anti- a lot of things. Like, anti-American people, anti-individual rights,.... Maybe they should focus on what the country needs as a whole instead of only focusing on their own selfish, self-serving needs. In terms of expecting payments after a furlough, I am sure that Federal employees recognize they would not get paid. Because Federal employees are not real people, are they? They don't have mortgages, families, bills to pay, etc. I wish his GOP colleagues would grow up and come up with a solution instead of only creating problems. The American people are sick to death of these ridiculous shenanigans and political games.
