
Apr 23, 2011

Social Security Doesn't Like Binder And Binder's Release

An e-mail that went out recently, just in Social Security's Atlanta Region as best I can tell:
Subject: INFORMATION: Binder and Binder's Privacy Statement


The firm of Binder and Binder (B&B) serves nationwide as the authorized representative for a large number of SSA claimants. In some cases, B&B has submitted the following Privacy Statement in conjunction with their claims and appeals:

Privacy Statement
I do not authorize SSA to release my medical records and/or to discuss my medical condition with any neighbor, friend, or third party non-physician not directly affiliated with SSA.
My right to privacy is paramount to me. I do not want my medical information or any information disclosed in a SSA form to be discussed with anyone who is not an employee of SSA, an employee of the state agency contracted to process my social security case, or a health care professional contracted to examine me or review my file as part of the social security process.
I expressly authorize SSA to release any and all information to my representatives, . . . .
To the extent that any form I sign (including SSA-827) is inconsistent with this, this statement takes precedence.

Dated & signed by the claimant
The Office of Privacy and Disclosure (OPD) notified Charles Binder on April 11, 2011, to discontinue the use of these Statements. These Privacy Statements conflict with Federal statutes and regulations for disclosures related to SSA’s program administration. A form drafted by an authorized representative cannot overrule the requirements of the Privacy Act (5 USC 552a) and SSA’s regulations when we are permitted to disclose an applicant’s record information to assist us in making entitlement determinations for our program purposes.

Now that Mr. Binder has been notified, B&B should discontinue using this Statement. However, if you know of any situations in which the claimant or B&B has submitted or continues to submit the above Privacy Statement, please notify Martha Shepherd, RSI Programs Team at [e-mail address redacted] or by fax at 404-562-1583. You should provide the claimant’s name, SSN and address and a copy of the signed Privacy Statement. OPD will take the necessary action to notify the claimant and Mr. Binder that the Statement cannot be honored.

Contact Martha at 404-562-1319 if you have any questions.

Amy Roberts

Assistant Regional Commissioner

Management and Operations Support


  1. I had seen many of these while working in NJ. These aren't news, and many times they would not even provide the name of a friend or neighbors that knew of the condition. I am glad they were told what to do.

  2. Perhaps they were to stifle CDI investigations.

  3. Ya think DiNuzzo?!
