
May 18, 2011

Actually, I Think He May Have A Few Loose Screws

From the Washington Times:
A key senator has asked the Social Security Administration to investigate how people who live their lives role-playing as “adult babies” are able to get taxpayer-funded disability payments - after one of them was featured on a recent reality TV episode wearing diapers, feeding from a bottle and using an adult-sized crib he built.
Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican and the Senate’s top waste-watcher, asked the agency’s inspector general to look into 30-year-old Stanley Thornton Jr. and his roommate, Sandra Dias, who acts as his “mother,” saying it’s not clear why they are collecting Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits instead of working.
“Given that Mr. Thornton is able to determine what is appropriate attire and actions in public, drive himself to complete errands, design and custom-make baby furniture to support a 350-pound adult and run an Internet support group, it is possible that he has been improperly collecting disability benefits for a period of time,” Mr. Coburn wrote in a letter Monday to Inspector General Patrick P. O'Carroll Jr. ...
Mr. Thornton was featured in early May on National Geographic Channel’s “Taboo” program along with Miss Dias, a former nurse who feeds him a bottle and otherwise attends to his needs when he is dressed in diapers.
In the episode, he shows off the adult-sized crib he built and sleeps in, and the cameras follow him to the hardware store where he buys wood for his latest do-it-yourself project - an elevated high chair that is capable of holding his ample frame. ...
Mr. Coburn also questions why Miss Dias, as a former nurse, collects SSI benefits, “since she is able to provide childcare” to Mr. Thornton.


  1. they collect benefits because they lied in their application.

  2. "Actually, I Think He May Have A Few Loose Screws."

    Who are you referring to? The Senator or the guy dressing up like a baby?

  3. It would be great if someone beyond a DDS could draw a distinction between a crackpot and a person with a disability. And such, it appears that Sen. C has good PDN writing skills. Maybe he can help with the workload.

  4. This is why persons who may improperly receiving benefits should not do things that draw attention to themselves. Or why it's good that they do. Sad thing is, while these two may actually be fraudulently receiving SSI there are probably many more persons (homeless, mentally ill) who should be receiving SSI but are not. Back in the 1980's, SSA's SSI outreach program was so successful it led to a dramatic increase in the rolls. A similar effort today would probably yield similar results.

  5. I don't know about you guys, but I don't think any wacko who willingly dresses up like a baby is sane enough to work a full-time competitive job, and if he somehow is, I sure as hell don't want to work anywhere near him. I'd be more concerned about the scammers who collect SSI while driving fancy cars or the twisted parents who collect SSI for their "disabled" kids by dressing them up with fake or exaggerated mental illness.

  6. Childishness alone isn't a disability without a legitimate emotional,intellectual impairment causing the problem.

    What is this person's entire history?

  7. SSA should investigate how many people like this are getting benefits? There are over 7 million people receiving SSI, and not enough staff to handle the routine workloads. As a TE I am supposed to investigate fraud allegations and I have NO TIME. Yeah, I think it might be the senator who has a few loose crews.

  8. How can there not be something wrong with this guy? He obviously has mental problems if this is his 'normal' lifestyle. I agree with the commentator above. I wouldn't want this man in my workplace. Every society has social misfits and retards who need looking after financially. We can't pick and choose based on whether we like their affliction or not. Concentrate on stopping the real fraudsters, and leave the mentally ill alone.
    Coburn is just trying to score cheap political points.

  9. Some of you need to learn the difference between a "disability" and a "fetish".. is SSA paying for fetishes now? Time for a CDR I'd say..

  10. Did Thornton and Dias sign releases giving Coburn permision to divulge the fact they are receiving SSI? if not, will OIG prosecute him for a PII violation?

  11. "Did Thornton and Dias sign releases giving Coburn permision to divulge the fact they are receiving SSI? if not, will OIG prosecute him for a PII violation?"

    Funny. However, based on the article, I think that Thornton and Dias are actually pretty proud of the fact that they get SSI and are not afraid of people knowing. Self-reporting is not considered a PII violation.

  12. To RJ ADams
    "Retards"? Hope you're working with any people who are developmentally delayed.

  13. TO RJ Adams
    I mistyped in my first comment---Hope you are NOT working with any individuals who are developmentally delayed.
