
May 11, 2011

Galveston Office To Move

 From The Galveston County Daily News:
GALVESTON — Despite worries that a move could pose problems for some Social Security beneficiaries, the island’s Social Security office is planning a move to League City next year. ...

“After repeated efforts to find space which met the requirements of the Social Security Administration, none could be located on Galveston Island,” Deborah Ruiz, of General Services Administration, said.

Discussion about moving the main county office to the mainland started in May 2008, prompting concern from island residents. Three years later, Social Security Administration staff still is working in a cramped office at 4918 Seawall Blvd.

Critics of the move have said elderly and disabled residents in Galveston could have trouble getting to the office in League City.

Public transportation for the roughly 25 miles between the island and League City doesn’t exist, and a taxi trip to and from could cost about $150, a local taxi cab company said.

1 comment:

  1. time to figure out how to learn the internets
