
May 25, 2011

Videoconferencing To Be Added To SSA Website?

 From the blog of the law firm of Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin:
The Social Security Administration is considering adding videoconferencing to its website to assist seniors who have inquiries about their Social Security or Social Security Disability benefits, said an official at Tuesday’s meeting of the agency’s Future Systems Technology Advisory Panel. ...
Last week, the Social Security Administration even introduced an iPhone app called Baby Name Playroom that identifies the most popular baby names from years past.
Chief Information Officer Frank Baitman said that the agency is already creating another app, but that the next one will be more functional than fun–designed to help seniors with their disability benefits.


  1. until they invent an app that teaches seniors and especially poor/uneducated claimants HOW to use a computer, anything that requires the use of a computer is only marginally useful.

  2. that's a ridiculous comment.

  3. "help seniors with their disability benefits"????

  4. videoconferencing would require personnel on the ssa end--where would those folks come from with a hiring freeze and understaffing in the FO's. The point of the internet is that it requires no person-to-person contact, thuis saving on those costs. this defeats that purpose--leave it to the government.

  5. Oh and another thing--it would allow the public to actually see who is giving them the misinformation that is so common at the 800#. would they be expected to also process transactions, like changes of address, etc. just because technology makes something possible does not mean it is desirable.

  6. "just because technology makes something possible does not mean it is desirable."

    or rather, just because technology makes something possible does not mean it actually happens. videoconferencing is only as good as the ssa employee providing the information.

  7. And -- SSA does not have the bandwidth for more teleconferencing.
