
Jun 8, 2011

It's Only Crazy People

From a recent report by Social Security's Office of Inspector General (footnotes omitted):
Our objectives were to determine whether the California Disability Determination Services (CA-DDS) (1) incorrectly denied initial claims based on failure to cooperate (FTC) . ...

CA-DDS did not always comply with SSA’s policies and procedures for FTC denials. Based on our review of 150 FTC denials, we found that 37 (24.7 percent) did not comply with SSA’s policies and procedures ...

We also found that CA-DDS branch offices’ interpretations of the FTC policies resulted in an inconsistent level of service for disability applicants. ...

A DDS is required to assist claimants who allege a mental impairment.When this occurs, a DDS should consider contacting a third party, SSA field office, treating physician, or the claimant. We found that CA-DDS staff did not request assistance from third parties for 12 claimants, as required. These claimants had alleged mental impairments including depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. The claimants had listed authorized representatives, family members, or friends who would provide assistance during the application process. However, CA-DDS did not contact these individuals before denying the claimants for FTC.

1 comment:

  1. hey as long as they keep production numbers up...
