
Jun 14, 2011

Managers Worried About Administrative Budget

The National Council of Social Security Management Associations (NCSSMA), an organization of Social Security management personnel, has issued its June 2011 newsletter. NCSSMA is heavily focused upon Social Security's perilous administrative budget. One short quote from the newsletter describing the current budget situation: "We are 'walking on eggshells' now. It feels like we are being held together by tape and glue."


  1. here's a budget solution...get rid of the useless managers. That would likely leave the agency with only 1 or 2 managers, but would save money without affecting service.

  2. I wonder what they'll do when they run out of tape and glue and there's no money in the budget to buy any more!!! LOL

  3. I agree 100 percent that we are management heavy and that we need more Indians and less Chiefs. The front-line support staff doing all the work is the "tape and glue" holding things together.

  4. FYI, this group is comprised of field and TSC managers.

  5. i am so jealous of those offices that can afford glue.

  6. The indians are holding the SSA system together with the glue and tape, not the excess of managers reporting to more managers ... .
