
Jun 30, 2011

SSI Is Not Enough To Live On

From a fact sheet prepared by the Technical Assistance Collaborative:
People with disabilities who receive SSI [Supplemental Security Income] payments continue to be the nation’s poorest citizens. In 2010, the annual income of a single individual receiving SSI payments was $8,436 – equal to only 18.7% of the national median income for a one-person household and over 20% below the 2010 federal poverty level of $10,830. Since the first Priced Out study was published in 1998, the value of SSI payments compared to median income has declined precipitously – from 24.4% of median income in 1998 to 18.7% in 2010 – while national average rents have risen over 50% during the same time period. 
In 2010, as a national average, a person receiving SSI needed to pay 112% of their monthly income to rent a modest one-bedroom unit. In the 12 years since the first Priced Out was published, the amount of monthly SSI income needed to rent a modest one-bedroom unit has increased an astonishing 62 percent. People with disabilities were also priced out of smaller studio/efficiency units, which averaged 99% of monthly SSI.


  1. SSI = SUPPLEMENTAL security income. Supplemental implies that it is in ADDITION to other income. In other word, it SUPPLEMENTS.

    SSI is not meant to replace income and it is not meant to provide a comfortable lifestyle or make them have average earnings. It was designed to help those in the most difficult financial situation.

    1. You can only make $87 a month or you lose your "supplemental " income. I am disabled and work isn't possible.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If lazy people who can work would work this would not be an issue. There are more and more people who want a free ride and cry about fake medical issues. Now I have to work longer and you guys are crying cause your check is small. Get a Fricken job

    4. Shut this fucking mouth or your going to be just the example of a disabled. In my past i worded so much and i lossed ssi 20 tines after just making 200 usd$ by check n deducted i almost lost my medical insirance for working too so stop your lying and experience your life if your not understanding what us different identity go thru were sure you go thru worste or better but your mouth stays shut if you wont support us other disableds kindly

    5. In michigan i as Named Brendyn has not had jobs cause in all life standards we learn thru school if i failed school and no high school graduation with a high school diploma or if no ged either us citizens are hard to get a job whether fast foods whether part time whether no respect n kindness by employers its always there fault to fire a employee cause the excuses are either were slow or they need to save money so if i chose to quit cause im not being kindly respected by my first day experience but i am lucky one job appreciates me im sorry BUT SSI SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME has been sending mailed letters telling me im denied i suffer epilepsy i rather SSI JUST HELP ME FUCKING PAY MY INSURANCE COSTS OF MY SUFFERING HEALTH IN FUTURE I DONT NEED A DAMN SUPPORTIVE CHECK AND I HATE SOME JOBS IN THIS DAY HAS EVEN SAID NO TO ME THAT I CANT WORK CAUSE TGEY FOUND OUT I RECIEVE SSI BY MY IDENTITY I GIVE ON MY APPLICATION SO SOCIAL SECURITY NEEDS TO STEP UP TELL US IN WRITING AND SHIT that if we are denied say honest or tell us were still accepted under what circumstances

    6. I could never live on my own with the amount I receive. I can't anyway because of my medical needs. I wish some people who think we should just get a job could experience, just for one day, the pain and agony disabled people live with every day. I have a rare disease, but I look healthy. What you can't see is all of the different parts of me on the inside that are malfunctioning. I warn those that want to judge us. Be careful because one day you could be in our shoes. Karma has a way of getting to those that are judgemental.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Oh you're such a kind and compassionate person. They dont just give I to someone for nothing. You have to really prove you need it. Get a heart.

    9. I got paralyzed right out of high school. A tumor inside of my spinal cord, and cannot work full time. Because I was barely graduated I didn't qualify for SSD. I am trying to work but I am not aloud to weld. I've been told I every dollar I make is a dollar taken from my SSI. I just wanna be able to live in my own place idc the condition. But it's impossible, with my split in two spinal cord, and not being able to work. I'm not lazy.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. I got paralyzed right out of high school. A tumor inside of my spinal cord, and cannot work full time. Because I was barely graduated I didn't qualify for SSD. I am trying to work but I am not aloud to weld. I've been told I every dollar I make is a dollar taken from my SSI. I just wanna be able to live in my own place idc the condition. But it's impossible, with my split in two spinal cord, and not being able to work. I'm not lazy.

    12. I got paralyzed right out of high school. A tumor inside of my spinal cord, and cannot work full time. Because I was barely graduated I didn't qualify for SSD. I am trying to work but I am not aloud to weld. I've been told I every dollar I make is a dollar taken from my SSI. I just wanna be able to live in my own place idc the condition. But it's impossible, with my split in two spinal cord, and not being able to work. I'm not lazy.

    13. U can make up to 2000 a month without bring cut off from SSI people get it wrong

    14. My rent keeps going up yet my ssdi does not.guess Iam better off living on the's a struggle collection of cans to make ends meet. Let me tell you their is no dignity.if you thinks their any divinity in try,walk a mile in someone disabled shoes.when you do then you have something to say .example if you don't vote you have no say on who was elected.if you can work then you would not disabled.oh right we need more wars for making of disability disaster.

    15. Your a dumb ass if you think you can make any money at all and it not be deducted from your ssi. Learn about what your talking about before you speak

    16. That's not true I had two deaf roommates that were mooching the system by being on both SSI and SSDI and on top of that they both had two jobs could drive work and do everything they were just deaf and those two jobs didn't deduct from their SSI maybe you should get your shit straight asshole

    17. I have two deaf roommates who mooch the system and both receive SSI and SSDI plus they have two jobs and it doesn't take any of their SSI away so maybe you should learn before you speak you fucking asshole

    18. Wish I'd seen this sooner however u are incorrect. I worked for community helping others get all sorts of assistance. Have read SSI and SSDI laws til blue in tge face. SSI recipients are not allowed more than 2,000.00 in assests eg savings. They are allowed to live in home and to own car without penalty but any amount iver that 2,000.00 is deducted from SSI earnings. Period. I am elderly chronically ill on SSI struggling to survive on mass max of 847 00 a month and 194.00 max a mo food stamos. Luckily I get 114 00 state supplemental as well.
      I called many times to see if I can rent a room in order to afford property tax because city said I can afford the 7000.00 yearly property tax since I have rentable apartment. I dont, I have sole egress on 1st fkr bedrooms on 2nd. But assessor is adamant becsuse 2 furnaces. Long story. SSI can work and earn appx 25.00 a werk but food stamps are reduced or stopped. Any amt over is deducted from SSI 1.00 per 2.00 so don't be missed by the term Supplemental. It supplements nothing.
      I pay over 309.00 a month for compounded meds Mass,Hlth doesn't cover. I have multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome, luous,asthma, and 5 pain diseases, colerectal surgeries ongoing etc etc
      No ine cares.
      SSI law is that if I sell my home, either I use that amt on new one or live off extra with SzsI stopped...shall I go in?
      Mass Health takes your home after death if Tgey want to be reimbursed med payments to recipients too...

    19. I have worked full time since age 14, when you are allowed to get your 1st work permit. I have paid into Social Security until 2014. In 2009 an illegal with a fake CADL and fake insurance rear ended me at a red light, doing about 40mph. I cracked C2 and C3 in my neck, from my head hitting the steering wheel. Long story short, I continued to work until 2014 when I was laid off. Dumb me, if I would have filed for disability in 2010 I would have gotten SSDI, from what I paid into all those years. Well in 2014, because of my body slowly going to sh**, I could not get a job and my Neurologist said I should not be working, or I would end up in a wheelchair. Got an attorney, he never told me what SSI was, as it looks like Social Security. It took 4 years and now I am stuck in this situation. I guarantee most of the "haters" on this blog did not skate board at 0500 to work at Jack'N'The Box at 14 years old. I served while in College, graduated with honors and am now reduced to this. Yes it took 4 years for me to get piddly SSI, which I thought was what I paid into for all those years. Well that I can have at 62...long crap ass road ahead. Oh and if I were able to go back to work, ended up in a wheelchair, I would never be able to get disability again. Crap system, Crapy People's opinions and Crappy Scamming Attorneys...Out.

    20. I moved into a one bedroom apt last October. Rent just went up $200 a month and I'll be responsible for it. Thanks to HUD they don't consider the ones that aren't able to work and receive the lowest SSI amt. I am blessed with it yet it's not enough. God there's got to be an answer!!

  2. And they also get food stamps, fuel assistance, WIC, free medical care, Section 8 and other housing subsidies, food from food banks and places like the Salvation Army, cash and services from local social services organizations, I could go on...

    1. Just so you know its not as easy as it sounds to get those things...especially section 8 more like section 0 since theres always several years of waiting and hours upon hours upon days upon months of sitting on cold floors at the social services building waiting for them to tell you what you CANT have

    2. I have ssi and need to go to the salvation army,am i obligation to tell them will they take away my ssi i dont want that to happen what will happen if i dont tell them or do

    3. In many places, like here in my Staten there IS NO section 8 available to most people. If you are depending on having rent help, good luck because there is none for most people out here.

    4. Your a dumb ass. You think it's so easy, hope you don't ever become disabled.. ..

    5. I been working 36 years. I have become disabled the legit way. Permanent damage in both hands from hard manual labor. I will be collecting workmans comp and my SS. So I will have plenty of money. What you work 5 years and expect to collect 2500 a month or more?

    6. Move to Barstow California. Apartments, and even monthly motels with all utilities paid, are very very cheap. Like about $400 per month. California pays you more than any other state too

    7. Such a nice Carin person. Karma may just bite you in the a** stop judging sick people for illnesses they don't want to have you sicko.

    8. Yeah I can't use pc long, use phone or apply on paper without going into a Seasures I applied tons of times for help putting me in a Seasures and I still can't get benefits, and can't keep a job, I worked 3 jobs for 3 years once while I was homeless and still no help

    9. I receive $490 a month and do not get anything but that no food stamps nothing...

    10. It sounds like many incompetent individuals need to get their facts straight! Just because one is receiving SDI or ssdi does not mean they are lazy or not wanting to work, in fact in means they have been through so much trauma in there lifetime that there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that they are entitled to those funds! Also another fact...just because another individual receives disability does not mean they get anything free. Not Section 8 not food stamps, not free gas, and they indeed have to pay out of pocket every month for health insurance just as a person whom is working would have deducted from their paycheck for medical as well. It is true that these individuals do not get the help they need or deserve and are stranded in poverty for the remainder of their life,not everyone will remain on it because some individuals may get better after several years of proper treatment and help. If you know your facts then please feel free to enlighten everyone however if your just going off what you perceive or what you believe or your opinion maybe some of you need to be educated. Just look at the individuals whom were talking down , they cannot even speak educated!Maybe , just maybe you really need someone to help you get qualified for it yourself. Words of wisdom.

    11. I work from the age of 14 to 55 paid my taxes and dues and then I became disabled fought four and a half years to get disability that I paid into all my life and it isn't enough to live on and if I could work I would and here I am not getting back nearly the amount that I paid this government for working and volunteering my services to my country in the armed forces and I went through hell to get this disability and it's b******* that people think we can work and don't want to cuz there ain't no jobs out here decent enough for us to live off either

    12. Sounds great but try and get all that..population if poor suck and elderly is growing but resources atent. I will be out in the street very soon. Givt wint let me earn at home in order to pay taxes and I'm too I'll to go fun fun get educated.
      I'm in fuel assist. Have no heat, they never csll back. There's no other assists ce. It's all very political here who is geloed. I kniw I worked there for years.
      I'm constantly shut iff and can't get discounted fuel rate on whole I said abive. Come trade shoes see how you think then
      I'm a former clinical medical profesdoobal who had to quit med school due to so much illness. Mother died leaving g me hoyse I can't do anything with nor afford due yo arxsjuc ss laws and hi taxes. Fun

    13. Salvation Army is a joke I went for help and they turned their back on me.

  3. Dear could go on.. Please go on. Living high on the welfare hog - hope you or your significant others never have to live this way often at the whims of government paper pushers.

  4. Move to Greece if you don't like it here.

  5. @ 1:36 pm...of course no one wants to live on SSI and other govt. welfare programs.

    However, but the point of anon at 12:45 is that the people who do get this type of assistance CAN live. These programs are NOT designed to replicate a middle class lifestyle, they are designed as a safety net to ensure people have basic needs met.

    1. That's just the point.....ssi doesn't even come close to supplying a roof over your head, lights, hot water, heat, toilet paper, or a flushing toilet for that matter!!!! And I should know!! I can't work AT ALL and only have ssi to live on since my ex-husband has once again escaped the radar of support enforcement. They were collecting owed child support and alimony payments. The last time I checked he is in arrears of $154,000.00 and I'm homeless now sitting in squaller!! I got so depressed in this situation I tried to commit suicide several months ago. I wish there was more help out there for people like me in my situation!! It really sucks!!!

    2. If you apply for welfare welfare will give you some money even if your husband is mia my husband pulled the same thing and I am permanently disabled apply for welfare cash assistance for the babies not for you it helps

  6. To ANON #3, the person who posted ANON#2 never claimed that living on government assistance was lucrative, comfortable, or enjoyable. However, the situation for a person on SSI and receiving all the additional benefits that often accompany it is better than the Priced Out Report portrays it. The situation is also much better than the individual who is actually working and making just enough to not qualify for any government assistance, but is barely scraping by because their earnings are not great and they actually have to pay a high rent, buy their own food out of pocket, pay their utilities, etc. Those are the individuals more deserving of sympathy.

    1. Wtf u mean. Ssi dont accompany shit. All this extra fantasy help u taklin bout. Its ssi i only u try to get any other help u get cut off. Talk what you know ."deserving of sympathy thats like saying get a
      better job deal with it..."

    2. Lol! What country do you live in? Get a clue.

    3. I have schizophrenia and am high functioning (for now). I don't receive ssi or said and I'm thankful to God that I have a minimum wage job with 15-25 hours per week. No, it doesn't cover rent, but with the Medicaid expansion, I'm fortunate to receive health care that allows me to remain high functioning. Yes, it's really hard to live on $400-500 per month, but I'm still grateful for all the help.

  7. Dear SSA regulation writers,


  8. Let's think about this: A person can get a check from the govt after never working a single day in their life and they are going to complain about "it's not enough"?? Be glad you have enough to rent a room and get food stamps and medicaid. You certainly earned it everything you,wait a minute.

    1. Actually, that's not true at all. Many people worked for years before becoming diabled. Your bigotry and ignorance shows so clearly. SSI despite the name is not supplemental, meaning they take half your payment after the first $65, but 3 months later! That means when you work and then your disability kicks in and you're now out of work, you get to look forward to a lower payment even when you are not working! That can go on for months! Nobody can afford to live on $808/month when they don't have their own place. Even a room often costs $500 or $600/monah and up! Big cities may have rates like $175/week for a ROOM! That is shared facilities, and often in a less than safe and clean area! I've seen rooms in places with roaches in the hall and thong panties hanging on the door knob! Scary!

    2. To all the stupid people don't just get a check and never have had to have to work prior and earn working credits to receive ssi....I took me 2 years to get mine and I am actually dr ordered to NOT return to work and social security sees me as permanently disabled. I cannot work and rely only on ssi. I have no other assistance and I have a pile of bills all way past due. I'm so sorry that your such a bigot that your 1 level mind can't comprehend the real struggles i/we face. Just because mommy and daddy gave you everything doesn't mean you are entitled to it. Go suck it!

    3. To all the stupid people don't just get a check and never have had to have to work prior and earn working credits to receive ssi....I took me 2 years to get mine and I am actually dr ordered to NOT return to work and social security sees me as permanently disabled. I cannot work and rely only on ssi. I have no other assistance and I have a pile of bills all way past due. I'm so sorry that your such a bigot that your 1 level mind can't comprehend the real struggles i/we face. Just because mommy and daddy gave you everything doesn't mean you are entitled to it. Go suck it!

    4. People think that people on SSI are looking for hand outs, LMAO, WE PAID INTO IT OVER OUR WORKING YRS. I LOST CREDITS DURING 911 THEN BECAME DISABLED. SSI doesnt allow for you to work if i was able i would. Don't get SSI mixed up with WELFARE. we paid into SSI and SS when we WORKED all our years. Better hope you NEVER END UP ON SSI

    5. People think that people on SSI are looking for hand outs, LMAO, WE PAID INTO IT OVER OUR WORKING YRS. I LOST CREDITS DURING 911 THEN BECAME DISABLED. SSI doesnt allow for you to work if i was able i would. Don't get SSI mixed up with WELFARE. we paid into SSI and SS when we WORKED all our years. Better hope you NEVER END UP ON SSI

    6. You are ignorant and stupid! Congratulations on being such a stupid, heartless loser!

    7. You are ignorant and stupid! Congratulations on being such a stupid, heartless loser!

  9. "no one wants to live on SSI and other govt programs"??--wrong, wrong, wrong....over and over for decades we see people receiving large retroactive payments that they spend as fast as they can so they can stay on SSI. People scream about having to count a spouse or parent's income and get less or no SSI. They hide motor vehicles, jobs and bank accounts so they can get SSI and other assistance. Biggest myth in American society is that "no one" wants to get welfare. Take that $8000 plus and multiply it by three, four, five or six in a family getting SSI, and see what you get. I can't count the number of claimants who dress better than I do or have better cars than I do. "resource limit"?--give me a break. Sit down with the POMS and read the exclusions. Might want to get a couple of pizzas and a crate of snickers for while you're doing that.

    1. If your lucky and get ssi work off the books..even if you cant walk by the end of ur lil 7hr shift in a restaurant with 3 knee surgeries prior. Hey you might be able to find an ok place to live in a shitty part of town. But hey it beats paying your whole ssi on rent. And not havin no money

    2. At least I'm not a thief I'm Indian and deserve alot more than SSI or middle-class try having everything you own taking from you legally buy white greed

  10. I would like to see an increase in the SSI earned income exclusion. Seriously, $65 a month that hasn't changed since 1974? If SSI recipients want to improve their standard of living, let them earn and extra $250 per month by the sweat of their brow. Learn how good it feels to be able to work and see extra in your life because of your own efforts. Don't discourage work.

    I was making $65 a month making milkshakes after school in 1974. Today I could make alot more in an after school job. RAISE THE EARNED INCOME EXCLUSION.

  11. "People with disabilities who receive SSI [Supplemental Security Income] payments continue to be the nation’s poorest citizens."

    given the resource limits, it should not be a surprise these people are the poorest citizens. duh.

  12. 9:09. $65 is the general earned income exclusion. Half of the remainding earnings are also excluded. If the person has no other income, then exclude $20 before excluding the $65.

    300 (Earnings)
    -20 (General income exclusion)
    -65 (General earned income excl.)
    107.50 (Exclude half remainder)
    107.50 (Countable income and substracted from SSI payment)

    Not overly generous, but still an incentive to work and a way to supplement the supplement.

  13. This is a lovely example of manipulating statistics for PR effect. Compare SSI to median income, but then compare that number to rent based on inflation/real estate. How high has median income risen compared to rent? This is laughable from a logical or scientific perspective. Big number is bigger than totally unrelated small number = policy implications!!!!

  14. Stop complaining about what you don't get and go to work so you can compete with the middle class who do work and possibly wont be able to collect on that income, because those who never worked are tired of dipping in it. If we want a better life, we work. People make up many times the excuse that they cant work because they are sick, next thing you know they are better than us health wise. I once interviewed someone that was in such pain that he could not walk unless he had a cane, well by the end of the interview I had to run after him because he forgot the cane (how ill can one be to forget what they SOOOO needed to live on).

    1. I hope God gives you the shoes of an S.S.I. Benfactor, to walk in, if only temporarly!

  15. well I have been on ssi barely a year and a half, I get no food stamps, pay full rent, receive no assistance from anyone or any charity for my elec bill. I do however try to make the best of the medicaid that is offered to try to get better, and I battle constantly with the provider not paying for my medications that the doctors prescribe.

    all in all there is no security in social security they want you to be scared, alone and poor.

  16. I will have to get a divorce, ssi will not allow me to have my benefits while my husband is working at a minimum wage fast food job with no overtime.

    we can't make it now, we have no foodstamps or vehicle or get help with utilities. we have no children hence we are not important.

    I fight constantly with my medicaid provider because they refuse the medication the the doctors prescribe for me to feel better.

    I am 53 years old I will be homeless walking the streets starving and sick.

  17. Interesting. Many of the comments here are as one could possibly expect to see. First of all the name is deceiving. It's supplemental to what? People on SSI generally don't qualify for Social Security disability for reasons like lack of work history. The maximum SSI in NY State in 2014 is $808.00. You cannot pay rent even for the smallest efficiency apartment or studio in most parts of NY with that amount. EVEN with the other government programs, you still have to have a roof over your head. The only way to do this is to room. Guess what? In many if not most parts of NY even a room will take up most if not all of the money you get in SSI just to pay rent, and you likely have no security in where you live. Because the recipient gets SSI, they will not get maximum SNAP (foodstamps) benefits, which means you need some of the SSI to pay for food. With the high cost of food, SNAP runs out quickly, and you can still run out of funds between cash and SNAP after paying rent and bills. So, back to supplemental. Supplemental to what? If you are working, you get to keep the first $60 you make and half of the rest. If you make enough money you will earn your way out of SSI, which won't be supplementing anything. If you're working a certain amount of time, you will earn your way out of SSI, and it won't be supplementing anything. You will be right back in the same sad boat. People who comment should know what they're talking about.

    1. Indiana deducts 50 cents on the dollar that you make, once you hit 700 you lose SSI for a year

    2. It's a hard struggle for you. In Wisconsin rural areas/smaller cities, you could get by on rent with enough for food. I wish things were easier for you.

    3. I have a couple of things to say about this struggle. I too am disabled and cannot work. I am married, and if I wasn't I would be living with family. I have a stepdaughter who fried her brains on drugs and lives on Ssi. We live in a low cost of living part of the state. I highly recommend that if anyone is reliant on public assistance programs, BITE THE BULLET and MOVE to a low cost of living state! Who can afford to live in New York or sunny California? You can't afford Not to move. Also, watch where every cent goes. Somehow my stepdaughter can afford to get her nails done and pedicures every month, and at 30, she has lost her teeth from eating candy, and not brushing her teeth.
      In closing, move to a low cost region, now! AND don't waste a dime on crap. If you can check those items off your list, then get creative about making money using the talents you have. It's hard, it's not fair, but this is life. Also, treat your family and friends like gold, so that when you need them they will be there for you.

  18. you do not get food stamps even though SSI is non taxable/non countable income the only thing it affects is food stamps i went from no income being forced to live off my family and $183 in food stamps to $721 ssi and only $15 food stamps now if i were not living with my family and giving them all i received and tried to pay rent and utilities and food not to mention gas to get to the grocery store or paying someone to drive u there is no way most cities you can not find rent alone for $500 "In 2010, as a national average, a person receiving SSI needed to pay 112% of their monthly income to rent a modest one-bedroom unit. In the 12 years since the first Priced Out was published, the amount of monthly SSI income needed to rent a modest one-bedroom unit has increased an astonishing 62 percent. People with disabilities were also priced out of smaller studio/efficiency units, which averaged 99% of monthly SSI. "

  19. I live on SSI because of heart failure. For me, SSI is not "supplemental"; it's all I have to live on. I've learned to live on the tightest budget, but the greatest difficulty is not being allowed to slowly save above the $2,000 limit.

    I've never had credit, (not bad credit, just no credit) and so, I have to pay cash for everything. I have to buy old cars that keep breaking down.

    If I was allowed to have more than $2,000 in savings, I could slowly get myself out of SSI. With the limit, I'll be on SSI until I die.

    1. I know you wrote this a couple years ago, but have you ever heard of mattress money? It is money you diligently save, and it never sees the light of day. Nobody but you knows it is there. No more excuses darling.

  20. maybe some people qualify all sorts of combined benefits and its enough, but i don't. just ssi, and food stamps. even with food stamps, its not enough to afford rent.. never mind food.. i'm not trying to rip anyone off, i just want to survive, but even that seems like asking too much. i have no idea what i'm going to do.

  21. I am almost of age to collect social security. I've read a few comments that say social security is just a supplement income....but I disagree or atleast it wasn't in the past.
    All four of my grandparents worked every day of their lives. All of them relied on social security for when they retired and they did just fine and never needed anything extra. They were able to go out to eat now and then too.
    Things have changed, big time. Now because of cost of living ect... Most retired people can not meet their bills.
    It's sad that some people will have to work until they die.This will affect all of us in society. Some thing needs to change...back...

  22. Um isn't the whole point being they are NOT ABLE to work? Some people were born with medical conditions and are never able to get a job because of these conditions which means they are not eligible for regular disability so they have to get SSI because they have not worked anywhere because THEY Couldn't!! Don't get me wrong as with anything in this world there are people receiving these benefits who really don't need them but a person who has never been able to work before having to live on just SSI can be difficult because it really is not that much money and I'm sure if many of them COULD work they WOULD. I'm not saying the government should pay them enough to be wealthy but definitely should pay these people enough to not have to scrape by month to month in a trailer park all because they are DISABLED

  23. I receive social security benefits because I CANNOT work. I have not been able to work for most of my life.

    I cannot live on the benefits money...It is not enough to pay rent and live. I Cannot buy basic necessities. My food stamps allowance was just cut in half! I cannot eat on the amount given.

    I cannot work and receive DISABILITY.

    The Govt. spends trillions on unnecessary wars and on the space program but does not take care of it's own people on planet earth!

    Soon I will be homeless in the wealthiest country. Homeless and without enough money to eat for the month. Welcome to America.

  24. This thread of comments is by far one of the most outrageously laughable reads of my life.

    A. I am on disability because I am "disabled". Many human beings can be disabled in some sort of fashion and are still very much able to work. However for some of us with truly debilitating disabilities it not only makes it extremely difficult if not unable to work but even if we went looking for work we would be excluded as many an employer would rather not take the risk.

    B. Because of many factors most notably and important those who do take advantage of SSI benefits that can still work or the really fiendish people who would rather skate on the government's free ride do make it so much worse for us who do not only need SSI benefits to live but require them to.

    C. I am hearing a lot of comments stating that being on SSI is seemingly somehow a ticket to other benefits such as Food Stamps and other resources but speaking from personal experience my whole life receiving benefits since I was a child I can certainly say this is not the case; at least not in most cases. I get SSI and because so my state does not allow me to get Food Stamps; and my mobility is so limited that I can not go out to the food bank any time I get hungry, instead I have to make do on the little benefits I do get from SSI.

    D. Just because it's called Supplemental Security Income, you may assume it is supposed to supplement one's income but unless you aren't very bright and pardon the blunt, but two things that are very logical to understand here... One, the Government knows that the intended purpose of SSI is to support disabled citizens who cannot work and I repeat that CANNOT WORK... and two assuming you all know this; being on SSI we cannot work without our benefits being reduced. So how exactly is this supplemental in nature?

    And just to garnish this little plate off; SSI benefits are not enough for anyone to live on, especially not the way most of us Americans were raised to live. You want us to be humble, grateful, and satisfied... Well many of us may be humble and even grateful but satisfied we are definitely not. I know many people in the same situation as I and I can say that we struggle very hard to live and survive each day with our disabilities, medical conditions, and the struggles of every day life. But we are usually much kinder, much brighter, and much more compassionate than the ones complaining that the people on SSI shouldn't complain. The difference is we are not complaining, we are standing up for ourselves and speaking out. Shame on those who take advantage of SSI, but even more shame on those that aren't on SSI and complain about something you aren't working to advocate or help with.

    1. Amen brother thank you. It suppliments air and i guess we are supposed to be thankful for it.. reading some of these posts is infuriating, people that are not and never will be disabled(the HAVE'S) downtrodding the sick weak and injured(the HAVE NOTS)

    2. Amen brother thank you. It suppliments air and i guess we are supposed to be thankful for it.. reading some of these posts is infuriating, people that are not and never will be disabled(the HAVE'S) downtrodding the sick weak and injured(the HAVE NOTS)

  25. I wish the idiots who post moronic comments, about how great it is to live on SSI would try it. Those who say it's a great life are MORONS.

  26. So many people have opinions but have no idea what the hell they're talking about. My parents worked their entire lives and lost everything in a fire. Both of my parents became disabled and cannot afford to breathe much less live high on the hog. If my parents could work they would because they've been doing so their entire lives... only one has been deemed disabled so they live on 700 and change and under $200 on food stamps...I supplement where I can and luckily they live in a trailer on family property..woohoo they're living large... My dad was an officer and my mom a teacher's assistant, they owned their own business and have worked since their teens...She can't bend a single joint on her body from crippling arthritis and he's so bent over from a back injury (FROM WORK) he can barely stand...but I can see how they are the monsters who are sucking on the governments dry...

  27. Try get hit and run over by a car and left for dead .... I can't even afford to live . I get good stamps . but its only 81 bucks a month . I hate how people think of me like this . wish you guys that bitch about some people on ssi would see the real picture .

    1. I am sorry to hear that you were a victim of such a terrible tradgedy! I would say God bless you, but I am not so sure anymore that there is such a being. Maybe there is, and he just doesn't care! Anyhow, just take one day at a time, and try to smile! Things could get better, and things could be worse, diabetes,cancer, heart diease. Wish I could give you a hug, so here is one posthumously,'Huggggg'!!!!!!

  28. i get ssi for my disabilities i would work if i could. my ssi conditions for working is i cant work around people where do you find a job like that? i live with my mother and she was injured at work and tore her spinal cord and cant even recieve ssi. she has been working since she was 13 years old the only income in the house is $700 a month and a little in food stamps. it took us eight tries just to get food stamps. so me and my mother have to live on $700 a month im grateful we even have that but its not enough everyday we stress on how to make it. we have the house we inherited paid off but could the "working people" pay for what we have to and be happy on it. $700 we get to survive on, then if you subtract the electric bill which is $200 a month, you get $500 and then the water sewer trash is $120 so it leaves us $480, then we have to pay car insurance $105 we live in a small country town without a car your screwd no public transportation. this leaves $375, then gas here costs $20 a week just around town and there is 4-5 weeks each month so $100-$125 in gas a month, this leaves $$275-$250 left, then we have to pay $115 in internet through comcast that is the only internet provider in our small town that is just basic internet no cable or house phones which leaves $135 we have to have internet to try to look for work which is almost impossible everything is closing up here but you have to apply online, we cant use the library computers you only get 30 minutes a day to use it not enough time to fill out applications, dont forget household expenses like toilet paper, trash bags, toothpaste, shampoo, laundry soap, softner, dish soap approx $50 month so that leaves $85 then we have a dog and he has medical problems and has to go to the vet at least once a month to get pills $25 mont so that leaves$60 this doesnt include some of his vet visits when he gets sick, then we have our copays for meds for illnesses or my disabilities at $3 for my psychiatric meds a pop and $5 for inhaler thats $8 a pop and has to be got 2 times a month so $16 for copays so $60-16 = 44 which goes to dog food food stamps wont cover that we get $180 in combined foodstamps $180 for 2 people so thats 90 each for food for a whole month most of the food here is $5 for one item, that means only junk food forget healthy food its too expensive which means guess what health problems which lead to more copays or death if you cant afford the medicines copays or dr copays which are $2-$3 each. this also means no fun things you cant afford it, no eating out, no trips out of town, buying a shirt is a luxury my mom has the same clothes for 23 years and i have clothes that i still wear from middle school i am 23 now. i have a couple new pairs but i usually shop at walmart at $7.50 for a shirt and $15 for a pair of pants it is too high so every 3-4 months i can hopefully buy one if im lucky. i would like to see those people who complain about giving up some money to help others who cant legitamately work try to live on $700 for two people and thats it and see how well they do. i know people who have ssi and i see no problem with them at all they are just lazy this pisses me off! if i had even what is considered poverty level income i would shit myself i could make it ok

    1. Its a crazy world we live in when two people that work full time have three kids and all they can afford is a two bedroom apartment food gas electric and car insurance can't get food stamps have to borrow money to fix the cars they got from family. Im talking about my sister and her husband Idk how they keep trying there definitely not selfish. I get ssi for scytsoeffectivedisorder and sever depression 735 is enough for me to have a one bedroom apartment that's 400 a month 100$ for car insurance about 60$ a month for electric.that leaves about 170 for gas food and internet which is 40$ a month. I do get 80$ in food stamps but that doesn't get much. I took me 3 years to get ssi. In those three years I lived in the woods which of course got me thrown in jail twice. I had plenty of food stamps then but it was not very plesent I'm just happy to have a roof over my head. But Wat kind of life do some of u think we have. I'm going to die with nothing. Life's horrible for everybody unless u get everything handed to you or have talents that make u rich and famous.i wish I could emagine a life of having Wat u want and a family. My dogs all I got. But I'm not even supposed to have it cause I can't afford to have it fixed and pay pet deposit.

  29. As disabled people we need to join together and try to petition for higher SSI wages...Enough to pay for basic rent and needs..we should not be forced into a lifetime of suffering and poverty..we need to come together as a united voice!! Nobody sick expects a free life of luxury, just a decent basic life amoung all the pain and sufffering! We must do something to get the word out and get the amount raised



    3. Yes, agree Petition !!! Im tired and had enough of Ssi restrictions and put us all under pov level.. Stresses and worry how to live
      ..700 not enough for one month..most worker get 500 weekly more than our ssi paid..not allow to save over 2,000 that cant get real home or real dream home and yard...Only Apts

  30. Demand Social Security Equality in payments for those ill and unable to work!! We should be entitled to a standard thats above poverty level!!

  31. Petition petition petition

  32. Don't forget that rent alone may actually exceed your entire check, which can mean death in some places if you are alone. Sure there are some abusers of the system, but I can see why some families choose to hide resources to keep the max SSI payments; they need it to pay rent, utilities, and food, all while still being broke after the first week or so each month.

    My Wife's SSi is getting dropped again due to COLA, which is ridiculous. Every time we get a COLA increase, her SSI goes down by that much, which makes her Food stamps go up, which makes SSI go down by that much again (Food stamps only adjust once during the COLA increase, thank god). Now here's the fun part: her SSI is going to be like $525 a month now, food stamps is at $130 a month, and my VA Disability is at $976.13 a month (that's 50% with spouse and child). Seems like a nice amount, and it could be in many areas. Not ours!

    Rent alone is $700 a month,
    electricity is $130,
    Water is $70,
    sewer is $30,
    Garbage (and forced recycling) is $32,
    internet is $40,
    car is $290 a month (luckily had a cosigner),
    insurance is $76 a month
    toiletries is about $40 a month

    So, income is about $1500 a month, and $130 towards food. Subtract the necessities of living ($1408), and we are nearly in the red already, before we even eat. now we only have $100 cash and $130 for eating for the whole month! some couples might be able to kinda eat on this budget, but we also have a 4-year-old son! Oh snap! Now we have to drive to doctor's appointments for my disability treatments, My wife's constant illness and issues, and our son's required stuff to boot, plus we have to drive him to pre-school 4 times a day and back, buy new clothes everytime he grows (which is very often), and we don't even have money for it. We don't even have phones anymore because we can't afford to have them, and the internet goes next, which is the only way to look for or obtain a job around here since nobody wants to accept a good ol' fashioned resume or application at the workplace anymore. library is out because the school kids are always there (especially ditchers) playing games and killing the ability to look for a job.

    I did manage to find a couple jobs, but they never want to hire someone with medical problems... go figure. If this keeps up any more, the car is going to get sold and my son will not go to school, so he will end up perpetuating the cycle for himself. What might help is if the SSA would stop deducting my VA disability from my wife's SSI and let us live, albiet very poorly, but still live. I can only imagine how bad things will get when our rent gets increased on us again, gas goes back up, or the price for food starts climbing again. Our situation is so bad that I give up meals of my own so they can eat decently each day, and I don't use OTC meds anymore because they drain what little we might have.

    I guess the gov't should be glad that people like us can't afford to off ourselves and be done with it... oh wait, they might be ok with that.

    We hate being disabled, it sucks. I wish I could get my job back, I miss putting my life on the line for a decent wage! At least if I died on that job I'd get buried! It sickens me that I just recently instructed my wife on how to pass me off on the city when I die so she and my son can continue to live a bit longer without going into debt! Some country we live in...

  33. To whom it may concern,

    So many of you people who are not on disability don't understand the situation many of us go through. I was working for many years. I had a good job making good money. I had been in a lot of pain for many years, but thought it must be associated to getting older. As time went my pain got worse. One day I realized my pain was way too severe to be normal. This was mainly because my boss noticed my performance had began too suffer and she knew something was wrong. Because of her concern, I went to the doctor. I was diagnosed with nerve damage among other things because of something as simple as B-12 deficiency. Unfortunately my condition had gotten so advanced it had become permanent. I was forced to leave my job. Not by my boss, but by her bosses. I continued trying to work for a few more years after that, but never made the money my wife and I had made before. Eventually, my pain had gotten so bad that my performance was unacceptable in my eyes. I went to doctors and did everything I could to continue working, only that was not going to continue happening. I had no choice, but to leave work and go on disability.
    Today I am about to loose everything. All my savings is gone. I can not get food stamps. I can not get help with any of my finances: Like house payment, food stamps, house hold bills, medical bills, electric bills, Medical insurance or anything else that I could afford before I got sick.
    This message is for all you idiots out there who think that people like me choose to be here, not that we are here by no chose of our own. What most of you can do in a day, it probably takes me a month and that's only if I try very hard.

    Please don't hate us all because of the few that want to be on disability. Some of us have no choice but to be!!!!!

  34. the person who said "SSI = SUPPLEMENTAL security income. Supplemental implies that it is in ADDITION to other income. In other word, it SUPPLEMENTS. " obviously does not understand what SSI is. if you have other income they will rip your SSI away. since you are disabled (like me...I'm on SSI) you cannot work at a job, and if you did they would punish you for doing so by reducing your SSI or taking it away from you. I suffer much pain and have little energy ... it takes me all day to do simple tasks others take for granted like having a shower, cooking a meal, washing the dishes. because I have to take lots of breaks to rest it takes me 4 times as long to do things as others. i wish i could work. i have tried to take on jobs and was punished everytime. if you make money they slap you down, you have to go through interviews and paperwork that is stressful and causes much anxiety. its best not to make any efforts in regards to a job.

  35. I am not on Disability. However I assist both my autistic cousin and autistic friend with their SSI. Individually, neither would be able to afford comfortable living. And while this is sad, I have found it to be beneficial to both of them to live together. I will not say life is perfect. However, life is better for both of them. I suggest to all who feel helpless, find a roomate now this might not fix everyones problem as each persons situation is different, but it should help some folks. I am currently working towards the two of them purcasing a home with FHA. It takes some work, and its way to stressful but if you work at it you might be able to sqeeze a weebit out of it.

  36. lets see if:
    typical rent is 600.
    utilities for one peson is about 150.
    car insurance and gass for a month is about 100.
    food for one person for a month is about 100.(and thats low). all that adds up to 950$ wich is over 200 more than the ssi monthly payments and the reason people cant afford places to live. HUD would be helpful if all the waiting lists were not closed. and foodstamps wont hlep me because i make to much eventyouh i make several thousand dollars less than their income limit. the food bank in my town gives you a weeks worth of discusting food and wont let you come back to get more food for 2 months. so yea livin on ssi is a struggle and if i could work i would be healthy and wouldnt be on ssi and none of this would matter.

    1. Disgusting food? Maybe tell them to their face that their food is disgusting. Maybe that'll help get you what you want.

  37. I have had a severe mental disability since I was 15 years old. I had been locked up in a mental asylum and know what its like to live in fear. Neither the Public nor our Government give sympathy towards people with my illness. I live on SSI and I'm almost starved to death. I've contemplated suicide but I wont tell anyone. I'm tired off living in fear and set astray from normal living because I'm poor. I would almost wish I was born 60 years ago so I could live in one of those Mental Hospitals so i could under go a quick lobotomy (at least i wouldn't have to live so close to homelessness)- think about it...

    I'm currently at the top of my class with an AAS and going on to a bachelors with a 3.5. However, I find it extremely unlikely to find a Job and that scares me. I had ran into a friend who went to collage for 8 years or so with a bachelors and ... no jobs. I'm young and in this case on SSI with a mental disability and have no choice but to pray that higher education will help but I fear it won't.

    What are my choices here? Suffer with my low income (SSI) or go through a strenuous 8 year degree program so I can maybe kinda get a Job? After the US government pays an enormous amount to put my butt through school? LOL! I did a little research and in my field of study the chances of getting a Job after graduation where so low my professor was embarrassed and didn't even want to say how bad it was. 2% after an AA?- that's bad; really bad. I don't know how bad it is in other parts of the States but, they have been trying to drop the degree program for GA where I live. Waste of time and money if you ask me. To bad it's against the law for me to be a Nurse; I know I'm smart enough- I could have done that...

    I hope you all stop arguing here and tell your story; where I'm from its called a Troll.

    1. Why is it against the law for you to be a nurse?

  38. Folks:

    Please e-mail me at regarding a movement I'm starting to bring SSI payments above the poverty level. I believe this can be done through the courts, and if not there, certainly through the media.

    I am on SSDI myself and see many legal flaws with the system, but there is strength in numbers. Please contact me and I will amass a movement which will change this country.

    Ray Gordon

    1. I am severly depressed and often think about just ending it all .. It hurts my entire being feeling less than.. I try to hold on to my faith cause I'm losing hope.. I'm tired of being looked down on and taken advatage of how in the world could I ever advance an a min wage ... The design is set to worry you to your grave I'm tired of those above work all their lives say that were nearly peasants and mooches when the reality is the tickets your work I g for I'm losing mating big corporation is making a tucking fool out of you too... Their making you pay for our incomes so you say when the reality is that your enslave just as we are while CEO and the corporate eleite live the luxurious live on your backs andour worriation..when will we all realize that wears all slave to the dollar a complete sin.. Call me crazy.. I'm gird and if I take myself out you will have another penny.. Maybe I will and then you will work another extra hour have your penny and be happier.. Idiots.. hit me up.. ☝

  39. i was disabled at 13 from a drunk driver is a car he didn't own. i wasn't put on s.s.i. till i was 20 or something but applying for all these programs like food stamps heat assistance among other things is really hard to coordinate i had a sever brain injury blood clot on the brain broke bone and chest back and neck damage that went unnoticed by saying i was fine the first time at cooper...then sent to chop and it was discoovered but chest back neck werent major enough to them i hurt live month to month sign contracts to live for a year heating providers with money for assistance food stamps yada yada then all of a sudden get denied cause i haven't been going to the doctors on a reg basis cause there is nothing they can do so whats the point of going.. its wasting money to repeat the same horrible trip already knowing the answer but to be denied in 10 days appealing atm right now lawyer cost 2.5k now im basically in limbo for a year and if i get denied by the d.h.o. i have to pay back the money for two months not to mention the lawyer 2.5k and the contracts im going to have to break dead in the water and go live with my parents my father is a drunk and a a**hole after surgery and on the trip home slapped me on my fresh brain surgery scar with stitches in it cause i was tired and wanted to lay down in the back seat. disabled permanently. brains dont heal and bones that are bent out of place cause pain on a wake up to lay down everyday isnt fun im kinda applauded how first glance by the med examiner im fine because he dont have proper med records to evaluate me which i doubt he can do he isnt a neurologist to begin with the examine is prone to fraud from what i went through other then med records supplying the information. i cant stand people anymore to the point i dont even want to go outside and if i do its for a bottle of whiskey to numb the pain and suffering i go through everyday. i cant drive at all due to complete fear of vehicles and being a passenger sometimes ill take a ride sometimes i just tense up. being on s.s.i. isnt fun at all and is below poverty im lucky to have paper towels napkins and stuff / cloths the only person to help me do stuff is my mom she has been my greatest help in my life her back was broken in a car accident my brother was killed by a car hit just like me on a bike wawa wouldnt release their tapes to catch the individuals. selling drugs would provide 5 times the amount s.s.i. would learned that from being transferred to a school because i was bringing down the districts gpa put in a school that was basically filled with drug dealers or steal your shit juveniles.

  40. are worked all my life I'm 65 I have a colon cancer heart condition bleeding on sir now on top of that I have glaucoma how can I live on $500 a month after taxes on SSI and no one told me does SSI was a supplemental income known that I would have if I would have been younger going to another country what the government should do now is invest my money maybe Payment I'll pay me out and also invested so I can at least was comfortable and don't live on the street and I saw a homeless person I have one year to make this right I don't have a higher power job I'm a widow and then it's embarrassing for this country that old people cannot live comfortable they have to work until they drop.

  41. Obviously the people who criticize this posts' contents or the people it effects believe that poor people should just be killed off because they simply 'leech from the system.'

    They are most likely the people who thought the Vietnam War was righteous; they want more troops in Iraq or Iran, they want us to assist Israel, they want more troops for the 'war [of] terror.'

    However to kill off the world's poor population would mean destroying more than half of the world's inhabitants; your middle class is actually a minority, and the %0.1 percent who actually benefit have only done so through thievery and manipulation.

    The poor exist to scare the upper classes into advocating this imbalanced system; to give then something to hate, besides the criminals above them.

    Unfortunately colonialism and neocolonialism are the culprits; they have caused the great wealth discrepancies that we see worldwide, with a billion people STARVING, while Americans use exponential resources for their 'comfort.'

    All of this was researched and written on under $10k a year. None of it would be taught in 'school.'

    And given where all the wealth of the greatest nations came from (thievery), soon this imbalance will correct itself: those at the top severely afflicted by avarice will never choose otherwise.

  42. I am 57, and originally applied for total disability for a variety of physical and emotional difficulties which make me unable to work. I worked for 30 years paying into social security, so I damn well earned the right to apply for help. However, as is the way of the land, years of denials and re-applying and also working part time for the county, in which I did NOT pay into social security, but a pension, in the end made me too late to get my full disability benefits that I paid into, leaving me no alternative but to apply for SSI. So, I am getting far less than I would have gotten on SSD. And as for working, often, even if you can, what you earn is deducted from your check, and add to that needing transportation, gas, etc., and having your food stamps reduced, you end up pretty much right where you were BEFORE you went to work. So what is the answer? I am desperate for an answer. I just want to live a normal life, and once in a while have a little money left over and not to constantly be behind on bills. It is anything but fun to live like this.

  43. You guys are confusing SSI and SSDI. SSI is welfare and has no back pay awards, while SSDI is not means tested.

    Those who say "get a job" are free to offer me one. The ones who do have jobs say I'm unemployable, so take it up with them. It's more expensive to rescue people who aer homeless and need hospitalization than it is to meet their basic needs in the first place. If you don't want your tax dollars supporting the poor, vote to let them starve or die, or realize that your way costs more of YOUR money than the way it is now.

  44. They call it SSI to make it sound like social security instead of federal welfare, which is what it is.

    If we went to a basic income for everyone, and a basic retirement benefit, we could eliminate much of the bureaucracy that is the real handout in this country, next of course to citizenship, which NONE of us did anything to earn.

  45. I think people should realise some of us are attempting to live on 700 a month. I have a rare condition where my brain randomly stops sending the signal to breathe to my body. Not so useful ehen ine is trying to work at any job. I have no controll over when i looked passed out or unconscious. In addition to this my joints spontaneously dislocate three and four times a day. My intercostals (or rib muscles for laypeople) do the same thing. I was born this way. There is no joy in "mooching" off the sysrem. This isnt fun. I would like my life back. I woukd happily work at mcdonalds. I dont drive (sort of dangerous to put me behind a wheel. Do the people who make comments about how easy we have it really think this was fun. I had my life planned out. I wanted to be a professor, have children( that isnt allowed because of uterine rupture risk. Anything in my body made of collagen coukd shred at anytime.mostly high risk of sudden death from aorta in heart shredding. No reapair..just death. Imagine feeling like you have the flu every day of your life. This isbt a vaccation from work. Imagine sitting in an apt you can barely afford thinking of all the things you want to do but your body is that of a 90 year old when you are 28. Disabilities arecreal people.we are people. These are no perks.everyone looks down on you simply for being ill. And in many cases people with ms,epileptics etc, degenerative disks will stay alive knowing we will never make a penny more than what WE paid in while WE DID work before our health worsened.its not a handout anymore than ssi is for retired people.this isnt a kind compassionate world that really cares. Many of you have proven that by your comments. As for going to salvation army etc? Woukd YOU take PRIDE in charity and never owning anything that didnt belong to someone else? I dont think so. Forget shopping for yourself ever. Its about keeping your dwelling as uncomfortable as you can stand because you cant affford the electric. My "free insurance that people speak of costs me 158 a month. Having a phone is 45. Some subsidised housing has 8;year wait lists. I have an apt because my husband (wgen i was married rented it with me. Try convincing a landlord to agree to rent to you when you are on ssdi. I have had people hang up the phone when they hear that. Then we have medical co pays. This is no life a sane person would chose, but as i hope most of us dont believe in suicide we do our best. Can anyone recommend a good state to live in when one is on ssdi, does not drive, needs medication to live, so good doctors are a must. Thanks lucy.

  46. I appologize for my typos. Also please dont forget the simple things. The humiliation of not being able to join friends for dinner, give them birthday or holiday gifts, i cant afford to attend babyshowers or weddings..even when i do feel well enough to go. And for those of you who are blaming the governmental system for all this? Maybe it does need extensive reform. But none of us ON ssdi caused the problems. We shouldnt be punished for them by someones attitude. Just once id like people to understand you cANT LOOK at someone and know what their life is like. The woman ahead of you in line at the supermarket could be dying of brain cancer. The man at the bank may have parkinsons. You dont know! Thin does not mean healthy. Being thought of as beautiful does not mean you are feeling well! And most of all just because someone is young does not mean they are exempt from having an illness. On a not great , but not awful day when people observe me limping and say "at least you are young, wait till you get olde then you will know what pain is" i want to scream at them. I will not live to be as old as they think(i have more symptoms even than discussed) or my other "favourite "you are too young to be in pain or be ill" really?!? Theres an "appropriate age to become disabled? Thats good to know! Thanks! Please refrain from making personal comments to people you dont know. It not only is humiliating to the person with the condition. It is just poor manners. Thank you . I hope someone has learned something, or at least can comiserate with my rant, because if i get treated this way, i am sure many of you do too.



  49. Ron Cupp you are WRONG! There is SSI amd SSDI. The two are vastly different. SSI is for disabled people who were NEVER able to pay into the system and comes from SALES tax. SSDI is what people pay into amd comes from income tax. SSI people are not allowed to work without penalyzation in all assistance AND to their SSI check, SSI is a TRAP! It is close to impossible to come off of. I read only 1% od people on disability ever come off of it. USA can eat me with their horrific treatment od the poor and disabled. SSDI allows peopel to work WITHOUT penalyzation to their SSDI check. plus SSDI pays $500 more that measly, insulting SSI. SSI disabled people are already suffering blows foem thwir disability, have special needs and it is insulting to not even oay them enough to survive off on, ON THEIR OWN! AND! offfer no way off or out of it! WRONG!

  50. I have been on SSI for 20 years, trapped by being unable to work. Has anyone found any website or group that advocates change to SSI? I would like to see the SSI qmount raised to SSDI of 1300. and the work and assistance penalties gotten rid of. Anyone? I have been looking for ither SSI recipients for years, amd this is the first place I have found a geoup together. We must fight to get things changed! This is disgraceful in the supposed richest country in the planet!

  51. In reading through these comments and emailing them to Mom, it occured to me that even just lifting the restrictions off SSI recipients wojld go far. End penalyzations for work via cuts to SSI amd food stamps. Allow people to own and save money. People could invest or start trust funds for old age. Save for a downpayment on a house. Simply ending restrictions would not be asking for more money(thought that is sorely needed). Doing this would not cost the government anything!

  52. There are restrictions for a reason, if SSA lifted the restrictions and you were actually able to work and earn lets say $2k a month. You'd just be bagging an actual extra gov't subsidy. The restrictions allow the individuals that truly need the benefit to collect.

  53. 10:50pm

    The income paid through SSI (not SSD) is paid through General Tax revenue and does cost the US Gov't and taxpayers money. If your solution were to be implemented it should require that the US gives every citizen a stipend of $1000.00/mo.

  54. 4:58 PM: What????
    Once someone has qualified for SSI or SSDI, whouldn't it be prudent to let people try to work as much as they can, for as long as they can, when they can. Some diseases, such as MS, may allow someone to work 25-35 hours a week for months, then unable to work 5-15 for the next several months. If those of you with so little compassion for the disabled want them to work as much as they can, then LET THEM. If they can return to work on aconsitant basis, then start taking the SSI and SSDI away. However, make it easier to get it back when they are unable to work again!


  55. Waoh what a great man i have met. Dr Moon you are a God sent to me cause i never taught of having my lover back again until he showed me the real powers of spell by bringing back my lover to me within 48 hours, sir you are a great man i give you all the honor, Cause you made me a happy woman again, everybody there i want you to know that this great man named Dr Moon is a man of God who is Sent to save our marriages and relationships. If anybody needs relationship help i will advice you to contact: cause he is tested and trusted i don't think there is anybody else like Dr Moon cause his powers are just to good to save relationship. So my brothers and sisters you can contact Dr Moon through he Email:

  56. There are millions of totally disabled workers who got SSI(not SSDI like they were suppose to receive)because the congress with the afl-cio /DOL decided this. In the interim, these disabled workers were not given their worker compensation benefits, except for pithy awards after many years of litigation, all in waste but to support those who are involved in the comp system like B.S. medical personnel attorneys, judges, DA's, civil, federal and state employees besides far too many unnecessary insurance employees. This comp system is a like a giant lake of sharks who live off of the fact there are way too many workers getting injured, ill, maimed 7 or killed on the job. But not to worry we get to live on about 800 per month by the U.S.Treasury until we hit 65 & this is after the SSA tells us we're all just buts & fake our physical injuries & illnesses, thus backing the employer insurers who don't pay the disabled hardly anything. It's a trillion dollar a year business with the injured/ill/maimed/dead getting next to nothing. Come to find out it was all a planned deal, where anyone coming into this country can get a whole lot more, off of our earnings via the tax & FICA systems. AND if you think that's not bad enough you can wonder what they give our vets & ITS next to nothing but SSA & the same lousy medical care they give to injured/ill/disabled workers. This is not the way to treat American citizens, is it? But it is done FOR MANY DECADES. So I guess I can see how someone would think that being a sick, hurt, disabled person doesn't deserve anything right? No compassion, no dignity, no respect , nothing but being scorned at, scoffed at or treated less than a human being?!?!
    We have failed to act as a national community, to help one another rather than condemn them, all because at any given moment, anyone can be next like those who are particularly snug at their job. So just think about it, no one asks to be hurt, ill, disabled, or killed off, no one, but it can happen to you & you end up trying to live on a meager 800.00 or so with a family, even though you worked most of your life. The gilded age has happened again where only those who have more ( for now) think they only have a right to any riches & the hell with those less fortunate through no fault of their own.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR-2016.

  57. Tim, your comment is spot on. No employer wants their "business needs" hurt by employing an unreliable employee.

    Remember, employers are quick to discipline a healthy person just for having a sick day. How much more will they despise a person with MS????

  58. Where is the compassion and love for our fellow man, our fellow citizens, that we may see at the store, driving down the street, wherever?! In God we Trust. God is Love. Printed right there on the money. Why are the least cqpable, the most suffered, punsihed even more. Like their disability isnt enoigh pain and hurt to endure, then to force someone to try and live off of $733 a month, it is NOT $800 a month, there was NO COLA this year for any SS recipient. even thoigh the cost of groceries, rent, electeic, etc. everything has gone up.

    1. To live off $700 is a joke where is there a decent place to live fir that with no lights water phone tv. Just for rent

  59. I don't understand why there is so much hate. I know someone who has severe autism, but is very intelligent, yet cannot work. He is "non-verbal". The living conditions at his mother's house are unacceptable ...she suffers severe depression and has let dogs urinate and deficate all over her house. Living there, he was sick and starving to death. He was finally awarded SSI, but can't survive on that either. It is impossible to rent even a ghetto apt, and buy food and what you need to live, with $720 per month. If he is sad or upset about this, you would tell him that if he doesn't like it to leave the country? Why would you not want this person, who happens to be the sweetest person I have ever known, who would give you the shirt off his back, not to have a decent place to live, and be able to afford good food? Why? Why do you want him and others like him to suffer? He is honestly disabled. Why do you hate him for it? I don't understand.

  60. SSI makes no sense for the person who hits rock bottom and wants to get back on their feet and could find the resources to do so. If my friend says to me, hey, here i can lend you 10k so you can start your business, once i declare those 10k to SSA I lose the SSI. Now i have to start living of the principal that was given to me to get on my feet and get off SSI. A year later i used up all the money and the person is back to square one again. SSA should have a program that works with situations like that instead of promoting the same vicious circle over and over.

  61. LOL! There are a lot of idiots here! Morons, inhuman, worthy to hit with a guy like me! You don't want me to be on SSI? then fine, go ahead and hire me. I want to work, please tell me where do you work and i will come and tell them that you are my reference and that you want me off SSI, i am coming motivated and energetic. I am waiting for all those phone numbers of all those hard core asses who want to help me get off SSI. I am ready assholes!

    Let me tell you what i am good at, afterall you need to know my skillset. Do you need a security consultant? Well you got it, i am an expert in security. I am so paranoid that when i am inspire by paranoia i will design a hell of a system for you, impregnable. More security, like repelling intruders, oh, don't worry, you got it, when i am manic i stay up all night for three, four days and or until my body gives up and i fall sleep. But, hey i will guard your shit!

    Come on Hire me!! I am bi polar, HDHD, PTSD, IED, and i enjoy my mood swings alot.

    I want to work, i want to make lots of money, i like working.
    But i am mentally ill...You sUCK!

    But i tell you what, i agree with you shit head, so come on down here you asshole who speaks shit and hire me!! MF!

  62. There are many reasons why an individual has no choice but to apply for SSI. It is NOT enough to live properly. It is enough to barely survive in poverty. The standard is almost comical when you compare it to just the vacation millions spent by the President's wife. Why anyone would enjoy posting on this site and bashing people who are already down is nothing but sadistic. Why the government is so negligent of its taxpayers is dispicable. My question is What is Trump going to do for SSI dependents? Will he take the homeless back off the streets or will the numbers continue growing? Can one person make America great again? There are thousands working in government.
    Billionaires give money to organizations that are set up to give those with positions in that organization the lion's share of using that money for their own purposes. I'd like to see ANY one mega wealthy person go out into the streets and start taking the homeless out of their misery and placing them in real homes. It will never happen because what they are really doing is using financial contributions for tax write-offs to benefit themselves.

  63. NO we do not get any other government benefits! Section 8 waitlist has been closed and has been so for 2 years. Due to SSI I am uneligble for food stamps. I cannot get welfare(cashAid) for the same reasons and you must have a child to qualify (it appears that way). I'm kind of screwed here. I only get $890 a month and average rent is $625 a month, plus the phone/internet (communication), and personal expenses leaving me only $125-$150 (if im lucky) for food and the cost of food is outrageous, $5 for a dozen eggs. Plus my dog! He helps me cope with my anxiety and depression, expensive to feed him and I consider $20 expensive. Sad if you ask me. Im sure the government can afford to add on $300 to the benefits for everyone it would be so wonderful if they did that! They make quite a comfortable living themselves and im sure they could afford to nick away a tiny bit of the wages to add on to the SSI benefits(im talking about those who make $45K or more a year)

  64. If you get $890 a month you are on SSDI not SSI. $625 for rent is too high, and there are places you can rent NICE apartments (good clean 1br in a nice area) for $430 a month). This isn't even exploring roommates, housesitting, sublets, foreclosed houses, live-in arrangements where you help out, etc. Even food can become cheaper if you check with local restaurants before closing time if they were going to dispose of the food anyway, or again find a cheap way to plug in. Coupons are another way to do it.

    In Pennsylvania you'd qualify for about $175 a month in SNAP, free Medicare, Medicaid to cover any co-pays, etc., and you're doing about as well as someone WORKING AT MINIMUM WAGE.

    With all that said, we need to build housing communities that can allow those on SSI to survive, otherwise it's going to cost a lot more when they land in the hospital.

  65. I should add that in PA there's even a $650 annual rent rebate if you have a lease or a mortgage. Maybe you can get the senior discounts.

  66. i usually do get stirred up but some of the numskulls on here did it.
    i am 62 waiting to collect my EARNED SOCIAL CECRITY RETIREMENT AT 66. years ago i became ill could not work on any form of regular bases i waited to improve no luck filed for ssi when i was granted it i grabbed it i could have fought for ssd with proof of exact onset date of illnees which god knows how long that would take to get this far took 3 years plus and it is very hard to get even the ssi. so the nonsense about ssi, is a bunch of leeches on society,is just that nonsence people on high horses can fall off so hold on to your own reigns before watching all the other horsies you deem to be your inferiors.

  67. Um I think the gov should do away with gov assistance and have a basic citizen income like Sweden who's citizens ALL get 2500 a month working or not rich or poor. That's why they don't have homelessness because people could afford a roof and the basics. Oh and add rent caps like they do over there because these greedy landlords will try to jack up a one bedroom to 3000 or some crazy thing like that if they got the news. With all gov assistance gone the funds will be directed towards the basic income. The EVERYONE would have a fighting chance. Shoot, they need to do the rent caps now lol. My friend works three jobs no time no sleep no life but work just to barely maintain a 2 bedroom piece of trash that should be demolished. No time to invent, dream, or even have a hobby , is all about work work work making someone else rich rich rich while you bring home barely nothing and so tired you can't even climb upstairs and read to your kid. That's no life or living that's SLAVERY.

  68. hello
    i could not agree more with the previouse post. Old folks are being driven to the soup kitchens. Well close to it anyway. There are alot of people and i don't know how they sleep wondering about bills. Who i vote for in the long run probably won't matter ill be past away. But i amm voting for Bernie Sanders at least he is a caring human being that wants to straighten things out.
    agood luck to everyone as well as my best wishes

  69. We worked all our lives, saved I. Stocks, lost money in stock market, now live only on SS and it's not enough to even pay bill,s , and we get nothing else FREE, no food stamps, no anything free, and have to pay for everything on so little money.

  70. This is disgusting, all of these rotten, heartless remarks to people living on SSI or SSD. As if people actually live living below poverty level! Going hungry! Not being able to afford to own a car, or a cat. I'm on SSD. I worked for 25 years in minimum wage jobs so my check is only 503$ because I have to pay for my Part B medical out of my SSD check. I get 16$, yes 16$ in SNAP benefits a month! Thank God I own my home, which my ex husbands mother paid for out of pity for me. I live in a GHETTO, where there are people murdered every week, robberies daily, just a very dangerous place to be, period! I have no rent but I have a gas bill, water and sewage bill, light bill. I have a free Obama phone. I use my neighbors wifi. In exchange I let them park in my driveway to keep their car off of the street, I have MS and would be happy to be able to work again, even in another minimum wage job, because I made more money then than I do now. I do not have control of my muscles, cannot walk and this took me a half hour to type with one finger. All of you haters need to get on your knees and thank Jesus you are healthy and ABLE to work!


  72. Too many Congressmen and Senators want to squeeze the disabled on both ends. They only want to pay the "TRULY" disabled, whatever is meant by that (rand paul- rhymes with small- thinks "half of people on disability have anxiety or their back hurts"... obviously, he hasn't actually looked into it!). On the other hand, they don't want to "INCONVENIENCE" businesses by making them or even encouraging them to hire the disabled. So, as an anonymous commentor stated, SSA argues that many are "ABLE" to do "SOME" "JOB." Whether anyone will hire you is not SSA's concern. Is this really the message America wants to send to the disabled?

  73. SSI is called supplemental because it is an add on, supplement, to the paid social security system to take care of people who have never paid into the system or have not paid the required quarters which is usually ten years. I know low income people who have worked their entire lives and if they become disabled now would only get 800 to 900 dollars in SSDI benefits with the added expense of a Medicare premium and deductibles and copays that go along with that. If these people have paid their quarters and get this, what should you get? Should we pay you more than they get? I understand they SSI is no fun but is it really suppose to be? The payment of SSI in the United States is up to par with the European Union and Canada for similar programs. You are not in poverty. Go visit a slum in any developing nation and you'll see that. While attending college I had to scrimp and save by living with roommates much of the time. Can't you get roommates? Why can't you live in a poor area? Do taxpayers need to make sure your living in style? I know two people on SSI. One is a pothead and the other seems to have maybe a low IQ. I have tried for years to get the pothead into a vocational rehabilitation program which is free in the state of Texas for people on SSI. She has refused any attempt to help herself. I am a employed person with a disabilitiy and I know for a fact that most companies love to employ the disabled. There are several head hunters that cater to the disabled. All companies are required to make accommodations for the disabled per the ADA. In the State of Texas anyone on SSI can go to the Texas Rehabilitation Comission and they will interview you, have you take an IQ test, and find the right vocation goals for you. Then they will send you to college for free. You can still get a pell grant on top of that which isn't counted as income. Colleges and Universities provide many services to disabled people and even have a disability center there to help you. After you graduate, a head hunter that specializies in disability can find you a job. I understand that this is not possible for everyone, but you could try. I am a disabled person and I don't see that I am being degraded in anyway by this country. While in college a had two internships with government agencies that I would have never gotten had I not been disabled. After graduation I was then employed by the government. The US government is doing the best they can for you. Before 1974, this program didn't even exist; hence, why it's called supplemental. Many of you responding appear to be intelligent and well written. Working and living with disabilities is hard but the odds are in your favor. Look a Stephan Hawkins. As for the SSI receipiant with the low IQ, I don't have a solution. Even when I pay her to clean my house she needs so much direction that I could have done it myself with less headache. She is constantly preyed upon by men and taken advantaged of. Maybe a group home situation is more of a solution for these cases. However, none of you seem to be in this situation. Many people every day go to work in wheel chairs, with canes, seeing eye dogs etc. and make a life for themselves. Stop complaining and look for solutions. Please don't respond to this and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Every word in this is the truth. God knows.

  74. I spent six years caring for my elderly Mother. I worked for one year after she was placed in a nursing home. None of my siblings would help those six years. All had high paying jobs.
    I had worked for 20 years previously. Because of not "working" those years, I was considered ineligible for regular disability which would have been $1100.00 per month (Plus you can make $1100.00 or so per month on top of that with no penalty or loss of medical.)
    On SSI you can only make $85.00 before half of any higher amount is deducted from your SSI. I have been working on a broken ankle for over 30 years. The arthritis is so bad the doctors who reviewed my case put me on disability.
    While I was working, I bought a car and some land with a pitiful offgrid cabin. I get $730.00 per month in Georgia. My mortgage payment is $500.00 and car payment is 229.00 plus auto insurance of $100.00.
    I get 200.00 in food stamps. I use a generator for electricity and use stream water to bathe.
    This cabin is not insulated so I heat with a wood stove and freeze all winter. firewood is expensive.
    When I turn 62 I will be eligible for regular Social Security. This will be about $1100.00 per month.
    When you allow a sibling to take care of a parent realize they suffer so you can work. What are you doing to help besides taking a European vacation?
    If I was able to work part time, I would lose my Medicaid. I have to have ankle replacement surgery.
    In some states you are allowed to draw unemployment if you take care of a parent. Not in Georgia.
    I applied for many jobs and went on five interviews. I have never gone on so many interviews and not been hired.
    Another thing all you complaibers need to realize is age discrimination is alive and well.
    I am 56 and nobody would hire me. I have applied to hundreds if jobs.
    People are still reeling from the recession. Things are not better.
    If you think it is easy to work on a broken ankle, you try it.

  75. Dear Mr. Anonymous,
    Go jump off a bridge you heartless person.

    It seems to me that Mr. Anonymous is previous comments lacking compassion or understanding for the poor is a paid agent employed to debunk anything said that states the plight of America's poor and disable.

    I came on here looking for help. As a deaf American on SSI I find it almost impossible to get and keep employment due to bigotry. For some SSI and SSDI is the only thing [income] we have in order not starve and freeze out in the cold. It is true that there has not been an increase in SSI or SSDI in a long time. Those who collect SSI or SSDI are not looking to get rich. They are just trying not to starve to death.

    Comment made with and by a sign language interpreter for the deaf.

  76. It is what it is, people nothing no one can do we who have no choice but to live if that what you what to call it on ssi ,well i was born with lung issues along with many other my family thought me to do what i could for they kept saying i would die with in the year ,i finish high school with help of home teaching and big brothers who never gave up on me ,I went to work out off high school but in n out of hospital to work u need to be able to be there the enployer need realible worker when one has a disablity, im 58 no family left to speak of i get no other out side help ect for home health care which i did nt ask for because you see i could care less about living but i was thaught u never give up that God choice not my so each day i get up i go out n do what ican i have to have infusion cause i do not asorb any vitiams from food and food stanops do come with my ssi of a total 53 .oo per month boy i get to eat healty so Mr Anonymous,i prsy for you and your family i can only hope you never lose your heatlh or let along one of your childern or even better your grand childern cause you sir are not stong nor the will nor the GUTS it take to face what we face everyday good day to you and your s they need alll the prayer they can get with someone like you so narrow minded good day sir p,s I know my spelling is way off but limit feeling in hand sand very low visionn so deal with it sir its the way of life for some

  77. I am appaulded at the insinuation and sure crackly disgusted with the fact that the very first thing people turn to when no knowing a situation especially when it comes to govermeny funding is calling people lazy.. Its not until you become old 29th your own personal vwnifit that you will see it all too clear what we now are experiencing.. I believe that you are talk I g like the sick people who are running this country and are instilling the agenda of the NWO and the entire plan of inprovishing the planet enslaving them and their ideals.. In a country where anything "was" for an average person.. It is disgrace ful that the ammount received is litterally impossible to live on and that rent have become so high that litterally it is just basically enough to have a roof over your head if you can even afford that.. All I'm basically saying I pray and feel sorry for the uneducated in informedand judgemental people who havnt a clue as to why a person is now facing the punishment of being in this very painstaking system, which is certainly one step from being on welfare.. And thank you for sharing that Mr Producer.. The entire situation is shameless and disgraceful

  78. More of you people are worried about the RIP offs. What about the legitimate 100% disabled? I say get rid of the cheats and hand out and give the people who put into this system a rate that is proportional to the salary they made before becoming disabled.

  79. I want too know SSA pays you 800 or so a month but I can't pay my bills and SSA will take funds from ssi payments if you work like SSA don't want you too work or they will fuck you over

  80. Brain work is HARD work, so I don't buy your argument.

    Regarding those who claim that lazy people defraud the system, let me give you the other side: I sent out 10,000+ resumes over the years, all useless because I was blacklisted for being a whistleblower, in my case a male secretary (guess what I witnessed). Rather than admit why women are hired, so I could win a discrimination case, employers went ballistic, called me mentally ill (delusional of course for believing women are hired for how they look), and UNEMPLOYABLE.

    I've sued to get work and lost, I've applied everywhere but my haters ruin my reputation (pretty women don't like men who speak the truth about why they get hired), and everyone said they wished I'd get "the help I need," until they realized that help wasn't a straitjacket, but a monthly check to pay my bills, the one I WANTED to EARN like everyone else.

    Who is defrauding the system? EVERY employer who has ever passed on someone qualified because they wanted to sleep with someone else, or because they didn't like someone, or whatever. They are defrauding the government by LYING and saying I'm unemployable to cover their own criminal behavior.

    Now, to ALL of you reading this. I grew up hearing that we were like a wolfpack, having each other's back. You can't turn your back on me, even ONCE, and then come back to me when YOU need help. Packs don't work that way. So once you are confronted with my injustice, and you do nothing, you have betrayed the human pack for your own selfish gains, and I've learned a lot more about you than you will ever learn about me.

  81. Im 23 at birth i was diaganozed with neurofibromatosis type one at age 10 i had scoliosis sugery i managed to work for a year at age 18 had to stop after finding out my scoliosis has progressed to proxinamal juctional kyphosis and crankshaft phenonom i also have nerve tumors in and outside my body and on my spinal cord because of yhe neurofibromatosis i was denied ssdi and now am trying for ssi ive been denied work for my condition ive been denied for a (51-50 cali code for attempt of sucicide) i cannot take pain meds because iver my years ive devolved tolarance and got addicted i need some sort of help my conditions will only progress im looking at anotger sugery so if that happens half of my spine will be fused im not looking for a paycheck im looking for help to be able to live as normal as possible i only need a roof over my head something i can eat something to help pay for my meds and a bed of my own to sleep on i can go without everything else

  82. Are you kidding me? Most people on SSI CANNOT work! All you people need to get your facts straight. Because you see one person buying drugs on SSI you act like everyone mishandles money, lies, steals, etc.

    If your child was born with a severe disability and could not work from birth, would you tell them to get over it and work?

    I cannot believe you people would say that someone would WANT to be on SSI. Why would anyone want to be limited on $755 a month?

    Most disabled cannot drive. They cannot go places. Except tons of doctors visits and take many medications daily.

    Section 8's waiting list is CLOSED in most places. And 5-10 years long. Where exactly do these people go while waiting 10 years for housing? No one will rent to someone making $755 a month even though they don't have many bills.

    Also, Food stamps, Yeah you get like $16 a month on food stamps.

    I hardly ever see a person on SSI having kids. They have their own stuff to deal with.

    Stop judging and making up lies, because you're upset these DISABLED people are getting HELP.

  83. im 24 i live on 750 a month and my rent is 650 my nat grid bill is 180 i get 193 in food stamps and i do get 400 a year for my nat grid bills from heap i am currently i dept by over 2500 with nat grid because my landlord forced me to pay 700 for rent for three months after i tried to get a roommate to help me pay my bills i have ms and im blind in my left eye and have a stigmatism and retinal tear in my left ive been on ssi for my whole life because of people like my mom who got greedy enough to blind one of my eyes at the age of two... ive tried to work on farms under the table and twice on the books but most of the time i was found out by my employer about my eyes and told to leave only one job didnt because they pitied me i dont want pity i dont want a hand out i want to work and not wake up feeling like less of a person or like its never gonna get better im afraid im going to die without doing anything for my country and that depresses me

  84. We need price controls on rent to those on disability or seniors, since it costs the state a fortune if they wind up homeless. Also 650 a month is way too much in rent you can get a condo or a cheap house with a mortgage but again the government needs to wise up and people need to step up.

    Also with SNAP and no medical insurance you have as much money as someone getting about 1150 a month.

  85. Why is SSI still using rules from 1972, when the program started?? Like allowing only $20 unearned a month and $65 earned a month, totalling $85, and then asking for 1 for every 2 dollars earned back? No one can live on $85/month. How come SSI rules haven't been updated every 10 years, like the census gets updated?

    So look at the initial context - in 1972, the minimum wage was $1.60. There's the context for the rules back then. The $20 unearned amount was 12 times the minimum wage and the $65 earned was 40 times the minimum wage.

    So I think we should at least start there. Whatever your minimum wage is, multiple it by the 12x to get allowed unearned and 40x to get allowed working amount. Minimum wage varies around the country and even within states, so it should be the minimum wage of our particular region that we use for the calculation.

    And actually, looking at the results, the ammounts are still low, so maybe raise the ratio. Double it or triple it to allow disabled people to make ends meet. We're not asking much, just a chance to survive being disabled.

  86. I needed SSI mostly for the medicaid. It is broken and failing me. I am not in good shape. My medicaid provider continually declines to fill medications for me. As of recent, I have severe osteoporosis, the bones of a 90 year old. My rheumatologist filled out the specific paperwork for me to have Fosamax, a drug that treats osteoporosis. Denied, what am I to do? I can barely function, soon and I mean soon I will have to have care as I am unable to live my daily life, going to the laundromat, waiting on a taxi, cleaning house. I want to cry.

  87. People who complain about poor people are going to hell read your Bible they should ship people like you to Greece then you'll know what it's like to be poor

  88. WOW.. why would someone mention Greece.. in Santorini, Greece it cost half a million to buy a house..if you work and become disable like I did you don't get welfare or section 8..I paid FICA so I was insured if I became disabled and I did.. it wasn't a life goal it could happen to you too..but I hope not because having to get ssdi is not a easy life..I suffer from multiple symptoms and would not wish this on anyone.. unless you think I should shut up and continue to suffer with ataxia, spasticity, weakness, vertigo, numbness, sensory deficit, stiffness, dysphagia, tremor's, pins and needles or tearing & stabbing sensations, neuropathy pain, pseudobulbar affect, and paralysis.. just to name some of MS symptoms I suffer with..I would rather be healthy and get paid from WORKING.. not suffering and get paid for it.. pain and suffering do not stop by 5pm,or on weekends, holiday's or vacations..I had more money with a career I just wish ssdi or ssi or both could at least match my salary from when I was able to work. Empathy is missing in many people..

  89. It's really sad that people think being disabled is a blessing. I was born disabled, I didn't ask for it. But 700 a month for it definitely feels like im the one being punished for it like it's my fault. It's amazing how many people really think we get a "free ride". Really? 700 a month income and rent at its lowest averaging 600 at the lowest is what you call a free ride? We wont get to live as long as most people all we want is to be able to lift comfortable while we are alive.

  90. Love all these comments. A lot of people are confusing ssi with said. You can make 733 on ssi plus what your state gives you (which isn't much) and on ssdi you get by working and can make about 1000, depending on how much you've worked. Ssdi gets Medicare, sometimes also Medicaid, and ssi just gets Medicaid.

    I was born with the schizophrenia gene and was diagnosed when I was 15. I haven't been able to work all my life, and I'm 25 now, but, as you can see, I'm making progress. My father was into hard drugs (he's homeless now) and my mother put me in shared housing at age 20. She gave me all my money, set me up with an acute case manager, and said you're on your own. Then my mother passed away when I was 23.

    My living conditions have been really bad. Three houses that my social workers have had were infested with German roaches. No, not the big ones, these guys load up in your coffee and drinks ten at a time when you don't watch. A cup with a lid helps. But at night, they're everywhere.

    I also make the max on SSI in my state, 733, plus food stamps and Medicaid. For a time I was paying on a 500 dollar room with a roommate making 83 in food stamps. In another place, I was paying 550 making (back then) about 680, but loads of food stamps. All infested by roaches. A lot of places don't supply things like cable TV, internet, life away from crazy people (LOTS of drugs I've learned to avoid), etc.

    I say give the people on SSI a chance. I meet a lot of homeless, exhomeless, exfelons, etc, and know that that life is far worse. And no one wants to live that life forever. I can say I'm more sane and stable than I've ever been, so I'm looking for even a starting job now. But, I can say that I was not sane. I also was in a psych ward every six months forever because that's how my cycle works and literally no one understood my dialogue and me to theirs either. So, please, give us time and a safe life. No one wants to live this way forever.

  91. I just want to say for my child she has so many disabilities it is heart breaking to see. She was just awarded after being denied over and over for a year. We as her parents work damn hard and are her support system. If she is able to services then she damn well will get them. I am not hear to bash anyone I support anyone who really needs help. I just never knew one day it would be my child.

    Thank you


    Precedents for the SSI laws: in 1972, when the program started, the minimum wage was $1.60/hour. So the $20/month unearned amount was 12 times the minimum wage, and the $65/month earned amount was 40 times the minimum wage. The laws should be updated to AT LEAST this initial ratio, and I think the ratio should be at least doubled, to even start to meet living expenses. You could all do the math to figure out what ratio would work for you minimally to meet your expenses.

    And it should be pegged to our local minimum wage, since minimum wages vary from $7.25 to $15/hour.

    Precedent for the allowed resource limits: in 1972, the individual amount was $1500 and the couple amount was $2400. That was 900 times the minimum wage for an individual and 1500 times the minimum wage for a couple.

    When they made the most recent change, in 1989, the minimum wage was $3.35/hour, thus 600 times minimum for an individual and 900 times for a couple.

    We've gone seriously downhill ever since, in terms of ratio to minimum wage and being able to cover needed expenses.


    There is a bill, S 1384, that was introduced in 2015, that is asking for allowable resource limits of $10,000 for an individual and $15,000 for a couple. That's a good start. However, its $111/month unearned amount and $364/month earned amount is not high enough to meet basic needs.

    The ABLE Act, passed in Dec 2014, allows those who were disabled prior to age 26 to have a savings account up to $100,000 without it affecting benefits. This occurred because families lobbied to have a savings account to be set up for their disabled kids.

    Three amendments were introduced in March 2016 and one of them is raising the age of onset of disability through age 46. We need the next amendment to cover all ages.

    Now states need to set up programs under the ABLE Act. I was told that if one's state is not ready, that you can apply through another state that is.

    These are a few examples of what is happening.


    Gotta say, I contacted mine, but they acted like it was no big deal, probably because they're not hearing from that many people.

    I think we should be organizing people to call our reps about this, so that those of us who are disabled can survive while being disabled!




    LET'S GO!!


  95. I've noticed most people posting do not understand the idiosyncrasies of social security. There is SSI, SSDI, & regular retirement social security. All COMPLETELY different. None of this is related to Social Services that supports welfare, WIC, Snap, & the oft commented (erroneously)" lazy, pregnant, unwilling to work" person. The terribly rude comments are obviously from persons whom not only misunderstand the differences, but judge b4 the facts. The others that are complaining r mostly SSI recipients. (myself included) Surviving on 700$ a mnth with mediocre Snap benefits is impossible. I was born with problems, but I always worked 3 or more jobs at 1x, put myself thru university (no $ help), lived in my beat up older than me auto most of the time,& did this as long as my body allowed. It came to an unpleasant end. No more work. Just pain. Like so many others here, what does SSI supplement? I'm poorer than poor, own nothing, degraded by those agencies that "help", & look forward to a future of being left behind or just starving or freezing. While a government relocated person born of foreign nationality receives much more help,& can hold their head up. Welcome to America. We have more, but Gd help u if you're disabled.

  96. Anonymous said:

    And they also get food stamps, [B]fuel assistance[/B], WIC, free medical care, [B]Section 8 and other housing subsidies[/B], food from food banks and places like the Salvation Army, [B]cash[/B] and services from local social services organizations, I could go on...

    Oh really?

    First, I have never known or even heard of an SSI recipient with "Section 8 and other housing subsidies". Demand for Section 8 vouchers far, far exceeds supply, and vouchers are very difficult to acquire; waiting lists are closed about 99 percent of the time. When I was temporarily disabled some years ago I was not able to even get on the Section 8 waiting list.

    Because very few, if any, SSI recipients have Section 8 subsidies, the vast majority live in UNsubsidized housing and thus either with family or in market-rate housing. Since very few, if any, SSI recipients can afford to live alone, the vast majority share housing with other people. Living with other people makes the vast majority of SSI recipients INeligible for fuel assistance because ALL incomes are combined to determine eligiblity - the roommates NOT on SSI earn more and thereby make the entire household ineligible.

    TANF recipients often are able to live MUCH better than SSI recipients because they often enjoy unreported assistance from parents, grandparents, adult siblings, boyfriends, and baby daddies. In short, TANF recipients often have very good social networks.

    As a low-wage worker who rents rooms, I have found a number of very poor un-networked SSI recipients renting rooms in overcrowded houses, with only SSI, food stamps, and - in some states - Medicaid to live on.

    1. Thank you, maybe the people that think we live like the 1% will listen. The housing situation I believe is the most detrimental. Most of us want to be independent persons, not begging just to exist. I also don't think anyone WANTS to be disabled just to collect "our huge amount of free money". I want my own money, my own home,& to just be treated with a bit of dignity.

      There is no food bank available for me. Section 8? That's impossible,a 7 yr wait, free fuel; for what?, my 1983 car that hasn't moved in 11 yrs? I rent a room in a house. My landlord is a stranger to me, yet their income is counted. My income-$737 a mnth, rent/food/meds/doctor bills etc leave me with @ $3.75/mnth. If I'm "lucky".

  97. Wow. People are clueless. Maybe they have had so much in their life that they do not realize this country is quickly becoming a third world country. Food stamps cut off, now this year medicine will be cut off. This is how we treat the poor and sick in this country. They want us to just go away and die, and die quickly so that they can stop sending us the disgraceful amount of SSI received ever month.

  98. SSI needs major reform. No one and especially a disabled person with special needs can live off of this amount, 733$ a month in the USA in 2016?! SSI was implemented in 1974, paying out $422 a month. In 42 years, there has been an increase of $311! Nothing about that is right! It's insulting and disgraceful. We can pay Iran billions but not our own natural born citizens?! The working rules which were also created in 1974, have not been changed to match reality either. You are allowed to make $65-85 a month(lmfao) then "they" take 1/2 of what you earn out of your SSI check. Say you EARN $485 AFTER taxes, you only bring home 285, even though you actually worked 485 dollars worth. For a disabled person working is energy expenditure. There is transportation(gas), time, energy, penalyzations. Even if a disbaled person were lucky enough to get $10 an hour, after penalties and loss food stamps, gas, clothing, it ends up being less than 5$ an hour. Penalizing for working needs to go. They also penalize food stamps, section 8(after a year of work), energy assistance, remt tax. Even just taking home the actual 485$ plus the 733 is NOT enoigh to live on, when rents are heading towards 1000$ a month across the country for a one bedroom. That is a nice mortgage payment! They need to do away with work penalities, just like SSDI people are allowed to work, they need to do away with asset limits of $2000, a law made in 1989? That hasn't been updated to fit reality since, they need to do away with the marriage penalty(single women on their own are easy targets to prey, a husband could protect them and after death, wife could collect the husbands social security that is IF a woman wants to out up with a man which should not be a factor these days, in 2016!, SSI should pay enoigh so that someone can be completely independant of others!, plain and simple.) notice I have not even mentioned raising SSI to a livable, real life, amount. They should just do away with supplumental security altogether, it's decscrimintory to have both SSI and ssdi and have such different rules. How come my neighbor who worked the bare requirement is able to do a part time job, have assets, get married, live with parents and then the SSI recipient is on their own basically. They need to get rid of SSi and make it ALL ssdi, rules included. That means SSI people would get 1200? A month, minimum. I'd like to see special circumstances that allowed extra money for health or other benefits. The rules do not allow for any aide or help from anyone outside the government, not even allowing the actual recipient to attempt work without the stress of penalyzation and then having to manage, budget and calculate monthly expenses that will be different every moths becasue an SSI recipeimetn isn't gonna be getting high wage, and the stress of being looked at, well, that recipient can work, lets investigate. And then they're prying into bank accounts, medical eyc. Just that could cause job loss. Have a little trust in the disabled, disabled doesn't equal stupid. There needs to be a cost of living increase that back oays from the time the recipients went on the rolls. This would go all the way back to 1974. This back pay would allow people to fund that 100000k ABLE account, buy homes, thus locking in a mortgage rate for 30 years, saving the gov a ton! People could get health issues taken care of. people could use the money to buy cars, over the years, to pay for emergencies. How else is the ABLE fund supposed to get funded? Also, why in the world are CHILDREN getting SSI? How is a child able to receive what an adult me member of society gets?

  99. I live on ssi. I have been on it for 20 years. When I first got on it I thought I would only be on it for 2 years. Once you are in the trap of ssi it is next to impossible to get out of it. We haven't got raises in years because of the government saying there has been no inflation which is a bold faced lie. I can't afford even the most basic of things because I get the bare minimum of ssi even though I paid into the system from years of work. I haven't had new shoes in 6 years. I wear the same clothes all the time because I can't afford new ones. I don't even bathe anymore because where I live I don't have a shower or bathtub to use. I can't cook because the top of our stove is rotted. So, no living on SSI is not what people think it is. I hear people that live on SSDI cry about how hard it is to live on so little. Well, I tell them to try living on SSI where you can't even get your basic needs met. I have been hospitalized recently because of rashes from not bathing even. Also, people think it is so easy to get section 8 and low income housing which is not true. I have been on waiting lists for years. I can't get into section 8 because all the able bodied poor people get to it before the disabled which is the truth of the matter. America don't give a rats behind about people on SSI. We are the forgotten ones. My family is well off and doesn't help me whatsoever. I can't get the help I need for the most basic things. I don't even buy toiletries because they are too expensive.

  100. Regarding those who say they can't survive on SSI, I did a video which explains why my $867.00/month SSDI check is "larger" than even someone getting $1,400 a month, due to secondary entitlements:

    While my check is slightly more than $733.00 a month, the same principle applies: I get $194.00 a month in SNAP, plus Medicaid, which also pays for my Medicare premium, and leaves me without having to pay a co-pay for medical care, so that's further savings. Rent and energy subsidies are also available ($650 a year in PA), though I haven't had to tap those. I'm personally back in college and the FAFSA money helps while I work to become a lawyer in 5-6 years, though some of you may not wish to go that route.

    Some states also give an SSI supplement which can add a few hundred a month to this.

    If you find you can't live on the $733.00 a month, see if you can cut your rent to about $400 a month (this should be doable in inexpensive cities), either renting out a room or taking roommates. If $400 isn't doable, $500 a month certainly is, and that leaves you a few hundred for other expenses and additional food.

    I'm not saying people on SSI waste money, but that they often don't recognize when they're spending too much and can cut that cost. The payment is designed to keep people out of hospitals and the system. Anyone living in squalor should address that as would anyone else whether or not they are on SSI or not. The system is far from perfect, but it's a lot better than nothing, and those who find thsemselves a bit short at the end of the month should continue to work the system.

    If you're truly despondent and feel that you can't survive, go to an ER before doing anything rash. Once there, the system isn't going to want you stuck in a hospital for $3k a night so the social workers will also go to bat for you.

    I've wanted to raise awareness of this but I find a lot of people simply don't care, which is sad. Maybe the Kardashians will decide that it's important one day and do something about it.


  101. SSI was created in 1972 and implemented in 1974. Its allowable monthly work formula has NEVER EVER been updated since the program began in 1974!!!!! Thus not allowing people to earn and keep a basic amount of earnings to cover basic expenses. Even the census is updated every 10 years!

    The allowable monthly work formula is $20/month unearned plus $65/month earned for a total of $85/month. They allow work impairment-related expenses, then they want 1 dollar back for every 2 earned. Even that amount of giveback is high - it would be a lot easier if they took less back, like 1 for 3 back or even 1 for 4, to allow disabled people to keep more of their earnings.

    In January 1974 when the program started, the minimum wage was $1.60/hour. That was the economic historical context for the formula. Thus the $20/month unearned was 12 times min wage, and the $65/month earned was 40 times min wage, for a total of 52 times min wage for the $85/month.

    Min wage today swings between $7.25 and $15/hour. So an update would mean multiplying one's min wage by 52 to get today's basic equivalent amount.

    Which is also a bit low to cover today's expenses. I think it would need to be at least 100 times min wage to begin to cover basic expenses. Do the math for your area - 100 times min wage, minus your work impairment-related work expenses, then 1 for 2 taken back - could you cover your basic expenses?

    The allowable resources amounts haven't been changed since 1989, 27 years ago. The $2000/month for an individual and $3000 for a couple doesn't allow for any saving for moving, medical/dental needs, emergencies, etc.

    The original amounts in 1974 were $1500/indiv and $2400/couple. Those amounts were 900 and 1500 times the $1.60 min wage, respectively. Therefore, these amounts should be raised to their equivalents using our min wages today.

    Being disabled does not mean people should have to also be economically tortured. Disability can happen to anyone. Let's let disabled people cover their basic needs and be able to live their lives. This country has the money, but lacks awareness of what is happening. It's time for the updates to happen!!


    The ideas expressed in this post are a start for getting everyone to think about how to change the laws. Please continue to discuss ideas here - thx -


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  103. Of course it not enough to live. Well to me ssi is what making us poor but the irony is that this program is keeping us from being poor but there's a catch they're arent allowed to make over $2000 in bank. To me it sounds like socialism or the fuckn government is controlling our money and making the rich bastards even more filthy richer. This is not america that I use to know, yeah land of the free and home of the brave to me its bullshit. Freedom for the high class but for disabled they cant get rich.

  104. SSI = Socialist failure

    SSI is a conspiracy to degrade and ruin innocent lives. I've seen it.

    The purpose of SSI is to confiscate money from innocent people (YOU HAVE TO HAVE $2000 or less in assets and property to qualify.

    Thousnads of innocent people have had their lives destroyed all thanks to the word of a physician or doctor or an abusive family member. Its an endless blackhole to keep you enslaved.

  105. Actually those who are not on disability and working (who pay for those who are, as it should be) are a job loss or a financial calamity away from the poorhouse, without the safety net that allows people on SSI to *barely* survive (also as it's designed to do).

    If you truly can't survive on the street, and have lost your home, start at a hospital, where they pretty much have to take you in (even if you're not suicidal, which many wind up when homeless). Once there, they will put you in touch with a social worker who will see which benefits are available.

    For most, at least, SSI is 735 a month, with 194 a month in SNAP, free Medicare (with a Medicaid co-pay), and rent and energy assistance. That's 931 a month in cash, or almost $11k a year tax-free, about what someone working fulltime at minimum wage can expect. Rooms for rent even where I live can be found for 350-500 a month, leaving a few hundred extra for incidentals (some food, etc.). If you're not working you don't have laundry, eating out, or entertainment that has to be done in free time, which saves even more.

    Of course it would be easier if we just gave everyone a basic income os $1,250 a month, which would eliminate the bureaucrazy, and stabilize the economy (the businesses who rely on us). When we don't give someone the above, they wind up in need of critis intervention and that costs six figures, while funding the real welfare bums, the bureucrats who draw pensions that should be illegal (retirement benefits should be universal and increase with age, so that people don't have to hoard their earnings throughout their lives).

    One day we will get there because this way is much cheaper. I consider socialism a conservative issue as it deals with Christian compassion and cost-cutting, while helping people to help themselves. Needless to say asset limits should also be abolished.

    The best way to make this happen is to speak up and to organize. We can show Washington how to save money while helping the poor.

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    this card will make you rich and happy.

  107. What the disabled need to do is throw themselves on the system. Visit a hospital, say you can't survive on your own (if you're suicidal don't hide it), and let them house you at $5,000 a night until some bean counter wants to protect their budget and they find a way to do what should have been done all along.

    It's slavery to REQUIRE people to live (suicide is supposedly grounds for medically incarcerating people) and not give them the means to live like a human. Bust up the budgets of these governments if they insist on rigging the system. They'll get logical very quickly since that money comes out of their budgets.

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  109. OK, let me get this right? There are disabled people who get SSI, and there are disabled people who get SSDI. So, the SSI disabled person gets disability for blindness from birth and the SSDI person gets disability for blindness caused by a 4th of July accident. Both have THE SAME disability, yet the SSI person gets $735 a month, and the SSDI person gets a minimum of $1200-1300 a month for the SAME disability. Yet the SSI one is penalized for working, by rules made in 1974, only allowing them to earn $65 A MONTH and the ssdi person can work and make up to what? $600-800 a month?

    Why are there TWO disability systems? For the same disabilty? Why are the rules and amounts so different? Yes, I understand the SSDI one was ABLE to work at one point, but what about the born blind one who was never given the chance to work? Without an onslaught of restrictions, penalyzations. The system rewards the ABLE bodied citizens and condemns those who are not able to work.

    What does supplemental security income supplement, if ssi recipients are not allowed to have amything in the first place?!

    Why are foreign immigrants being paid SSI? I thought SSI was for disabled people.

    SSI is not much better than being stuck in an institution. because at $735 a month you are trapped living in an apartment, for life, which gets real old when you have low income, low life, bottom feeders surrounding you, making all kinds of rude, disturbing, noise and acting like immature, selfish children. There is no peace or privacy in an apartment? There is no way to qualify for a mortgage on $735 a month, even if you are capable of paying rent and bills for years.

    Fine if you want to pay the immigrants. But pay the natural, usa born, disabled a living amount so that they can improve their suffering!

    Disability should be one program, not two, and paying immigrants should be something else entirely.

    I jear all this bitching about how seniors cant make it on social security alone and how ssdi people cant make it on that alone. Both of them most likely get 1200$. What about the severely disabled, who only get 735$ a month? We NEVER hear from them. All we ever hear about is, poor elderly. The poor disabled peoplea re a lot younger, have life left in them and life to live but nit chance at happiness while in survival only mode. Ie, severe stress 24-7

  110. SSI is federal welfare, meant to sound like Social Security so it's not called welfare. It's "supplemental security income." SSDI is an early retirement check not subject to the income limits (like a regular SS check also is not), nor the asset limits.

    All SSI should automatically convert to SSDI. Maybe a disability lawsuit could make that happen. Find a lawyer who'll do it.

  111. Yeah, I agree. I think this is grounds for a massive lawsuit. A lawyer to take on the United States government. Ha!

    Enacted in 1996, by Clinton, I assume. Why am I just now, finding this out? What an insult to disabled peoples struggle and lives.

    I think this is the REAL issue. Dont want immigrants coming here cause then we have to pay em. How are they supposed to survive in America without money? Don't want a bunch of foreign, homeless, poor people,(that may not speak english) on the streets, now do we, starting a war? Pay em SSI. BS. No one is talking about this.

    VERY tricky wording. Coming from two snakes in the grass, lawyers, Note the, "and"

    It is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income; and

    It provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.

    Then we go on to find this link about aliens.

  112. How many have killed themselves because they cant survive, ie eat, pay for basics, on ssi, ie Self Suicidal Inducement. Its how the government kills off the poor. They get you trapped on ssi, with no way to escape, no hope, so all your left with is SE. Fuck off USa government! I hope Korea bombs the hell out of Generica and all its ugly, moldy, outdated colonial architecture. dubai and ?abu Dabai kick our ass. sweeden kicks our ass on most other things, germany kicks our ass in music. america just sucks. All it is goof for is suffering people and greed. America is embarrassing, cruel and heartless. I hope i never have to make anither post here. Im done here.

  113. If you're on SSI and thinking of killing yourself, just go to a hospital and tell them this. Do you really think they'll leave you in a room at the cost of thousands a night? Not likely. Forcing someone to live below poverty is borderline slavery, and they tell you you're not allowed to kill yourself, so if money is no object (otherwise they wouldn't try to keep us alive), let the bean counters figure out how to save themselves money, since any money spent rescuing you is going to come out of their budget. That's the only language they speak.

  114. You obviously havent been played around by the psychotic practioners at the psych ward. All they do is DRUG, DRUG, DRUG! Amd if you don't want that, then its shock treatment. If you want your memory erased, go for it but I value my intelligence too much! I would NEVER let them get ahold of me again. I am not looking for anither human to control me anymore than the fucked up system does already. At least I have a mind and memory and soul to think now. All the hospital would do is put someone in their hands to experiment on. They get big kick backs for ECT and handing out psych drugs. They lock you in and watch if you dont take the meds, there is no escaping, its like the 1800s still. The hospital is not the anwser. Nor is talking and talking and talking. I know what I need. And it is not psych drugs, therapy. Money is the anwser.

  115. Are you talking about involuntary or voluntary commitment? Involuntary is more like prison; voluntary is not. The kickbacks they get for giving drugs (if any) is a pittance to what it costs the system to keep someone there.

    If you show an aversion to hospitals and a desire for money you're not suicidal to begin with. If, however, you're at a point where you really would just give up, then the system either has to hospitalize you (expensively and unnecessarily) or find something cheaper, which they inevitably will.

    I wouldn't exactly call it like the 1800s, or even the 1960s. In the 1970s things changed a lot. Not saying it's perfect, but yes they did.

    I also agree with you about psychotropic medication being awful but so is homelessness. They also can be sued for malpractice and lose points with the bean counters if they aren't efficient.

  116. Leave me alone. You dont know me or my situation and why I need money p(for my health, which medicaid does not pay for hollistic care)which I dont have to justify to you. The fact is SSI is not enoigh t survive on, much less get well and off the fucking system. You dont know my reasons for wanting to die. You are just an instigator. Im not looking to argue. Just to change the system. I will not be replying again.

  117. So you're saying the system that works for others just won't work for you.
    Got more specifics?

  118. SSI is impossible to survive on because its allowable income rule has not been updated since it started in 1974. Even the census is updated every 10 years. So should SSI be updated. And it hasn't been - that's one reason everyone is starving. No one in this country is being forced to live like disabled people are being forced to live impoverished like this. Specifically, the formula dating from 1974 is $20 unearned/month plus $60 earned/month for a total of $85/month allowed, which for most people today could be their phone bill alone. Then the system allows for impairment-related work expenses to be deducted, then wants 1 for 2 dollars earned to be returned. That's a problem, because living expenses are so much greater today than they were in 1974! The minimum wage was $1.60 then. Thus the $85/month allowed was 53 times the min wage. Today's min wages vary between $7.25/hr - $15/hr. At least have the common sense to update the formula to TODAY'S minimum wage ratios. ie not $85/month allowed, but 53 times the min wage of one's area. And even that can result in a low amount to live on, and may need to be raised. We're talking about allowing disabled people to meet their living and medical expenses! Unfortunately, it's Congress that needs to make the change and they don't appear to be understanding of the needs of the American public at this point. And they're all millionaires. Completely lacking in understanding and awareness of what regular Americans are going through. It's better in many other countries. This is not a better country - it is a much worse country in many respects re not understanding and supporting the basic needs of its citizens. We are suffering in this country.

  119. I recieve SSI and you are so correct the money i recieve isnt enough to live.

  120. Not enough to live, yet here you aer.

  121. I receive SSI it's not enough to get by with rent and utilities raising poor people don't have a chance ,they need to give people a raise help them to get out of poverty can't do it with what we get on A LITTLE BITTY CHECK WE THE PEOPLE OF POVERTY NEED A RAISE ON OUR SSI CHECK.

  122. kill SSI for anyone under $30k we can't save just have us work till we die
    also SSI don't even pay my rent
    SSi is $740
    rent is $989

  123. I can't feed myself on 735$ a month. Much less pay rent, electric, wifi(what am i supposed to do while trapped in my cage?). Much less oay for basic needs like clothing, bras, feminine items, drip oans for my stove, a new skillet to cook every fn day, sheets, stuff doesnt last forever. Food stamps of 125! F u!

    This amount needs to be raised ASAP. Asset limits raised. Work penalties gone.


    I am looking at SE soon.

  124. So I tried working from home and earned $414. I reported my wages to ssi and food stamps. Ssi penalized me to $260. I will have my food stamps cut off which were $126. I will have to used my earning to oay for food now, plus tax on that food, prolly about $10. So I'm down ankther $136. My earned wages are $124 but wait! I haven't paid taxes. About 15%? Or $15-20$? So I actually earned 414$ but after the governments outdated, 1974 rules raped me, I bring home $110-100. I worked 30 hrs. That comes out to about $3-$4 an hour for my time. I was paid $13.50 an hour. They took $10 of it. Fact!

    This is why less than 1% come off of ssi.

    This system needs major updating asap. No one can survive off of $735-750 a month. And not be allowed to work a little and have such unrelaistic assets. Even the ss workers agree.

  125. Have you contacted a church about your heat? Electric bill? Or even the property taxes. United Way. I think you can have a room mate. $1114 is not enough but more than most get. Have you tried to get section 8? Isnt there the circuit breaker program for low income people? You shouldn't have to pay taxes. The SSI work rules need to be updated ASAP, allowing at the minimum $1000 per month or more, plus the amount needs to be raised. There needs to be one set amount for disability, not two programs for the same disabilitites. Not these crazy, one person get 600, one gets 750, one gets 1070(ie ssdi) Asset limit need to be gone
    Or raised to a crazy amount of 100k. If you want to sell the house, have you thought about putting the money into an able account? Please look into these things. Good luck and LOVE!

  126. They need to raise SSI to $1500 a month. And do away with the rules.

  127. The anonymous cowards posting their hate against people on social services ought to try living the same way:

    Experience the quicksand of poverty, in a nation that has sabotaged its own social safety nets to the point that they're outright traps. These anonymous ignorant cowards should experience being unable to get work because of a shitty job market that hates on disabled people, hates on people who've been out of work for extended periods, hates on paying for healthcare, or even living wages...

    What's that? There are plenty of jobs, you say? The newspapers (and conservative media outlets) keep telling you that the job market has recovered? Sure, if you don't need to survive on the income of whatever shitty job you might be able to get... and if you don't mind being treated like a robot or a slave. Jobs aplenty, if you're not worried about living off of it.

    These shit-talking cowards should find out, first hand, what the real killer problem of the broken American social safety nets/service systems is: realizing you're unable to work because working would put you at greater risk of losing your shelter (mortgage, rent, whatever) from a shit-paying job, resulting in putting you right back into the shitty situation that lead to seeking social services in the first place! (BTW: yes, you can lose SSD, too, because of working) When it is SAFER to stay on social services, at risk persons are entirely unlikely to put themselves at greater risk. Congratulations on "reforming" the "fraud-filled" social safety net in the USA. It's become the opposite of a safety net. It's a pit of quick sand, AND you'll accelerate your demise by struggling to save yourself! Jump in and try it out!

    Most karmic (not that i believe in karma) of all: these anonymous cowards should be gifted with life-changing (ruining) disabilities (and then have to tattoo their shit posts to their bodies).

    The most annoying thing about the anonymous coward shit posts isn't that callous assholes post cruel bullshit. It's that they'll never spend a second to read the responses to their shit posts. They have no interest in the facts and no interest in how their words affect others. They just want to hit and run. They wont stick around to learn. They'll keep their ignorant arrogance insulated from facts and reality. All of the impassioned and angry responses here mean NOTHING to the anonymous cowards who are ignorantly bashing disability and SSI/SSD.

    i could add my own details to argue against the ignorant comments of the anonymous assholes, but i'd only be preaching to the choir. The assholes aren't interested. Plus, the things i've read here... i'm miserable about my own poverty entrapment, but i'm still doing better than some of the people who've shared their details here. i wouldn't want to anger them by describing my own, less horrible, situation. For what it's worth: i empathize.

  128. Thank you Jace for speaking up about this issue, that should be front and center, in the next elections. The situation is dire.

    I just learned a new one, the other day; that the car allotment is a $4500 car. Basically a beater car, ie a car that will not be safe and possibly break down and leave a disabled person stranded on the side of the road. Any decent used car costs around 13k, which isn't that much, if made in payments. A NEW car would allow the security and longivity of safety, something disabled people need. A new car could also provide maintenence free for years, as most dealers offer that. Plus, pride of ownership. What does it matter the cost of the car? I am not advocating for driving porsches, etc, but allow a decent car. 30k? And update this rule over the years! Geez. They make these programs, then ignore them. Disabled people struggle daily, hourly, minute to minute with pain, with tons of symptoms. Getting out allows a break from the constant thoughts about self suffering. It could even help some get better. Its cruel to make the ssi amount so low that car ownership isnt even an option.

    I never hear about SSI brought up by congress people. I suspect it has to do with the nazi regime we have in office now- not wanting them to get wind of it and make cuts. Regardless, something GOOD needs to be done soon!

    I am making a list of all of these things. It may take me awhile as I deal with my own issues. Anyone else interested in collaborating, let me know. I plan to send this to every congressperson in the USA, make a petition, and sprinkle in some confetti. Maybe even organize some marches about this, anything to draw attention to this serious matter! I tell almost everyone I come into contact lately. Every single person agrees that the amount and rules, no one can live off of.

    It is obvious to me here that, the rules and the circumstances regarding SSI are not very well known or understood. Many I have told, ask, "what is SSI?" Every American should know what this program is and how it works, for if they should one day, too, become disabled. It really is just a matter of time. People age, things happen. What Jace said about the economy is true. Work a low pay job, you are not paying into SS enough, retire and get a tiny amount, and you are in the same boat or similar as ssi

  129. It's sad state of the world. On one hand you have people who can work receiving cash and those who can't never receive enough. I'm a grown adult but I've lived with family my entire life. Despite being an adult I actually feel like I teen sometimes because I've never had true independence. I was born with muscular dystrophy which led to other health problems. Growing up my dad received disability as well and it took both of our checks, a very small job he had, and even help from family at times to pay our bills. As an adult now I know I can never live on my own and once I am alone I'll have to be paranoid that I can live off the money my family leaves me lest I end up on the street. I've done the math and on my disabled income I couldn't afford utilities, rent, and food at even the cheapest place. To be fair I also don't receive food stamps so I know that would help if I applied for them in that situation but overall many truly disabled people can't live on their own and doing some research I learned people with MD actually sometimes get the least when it's a genetic condition that can be very debilitating depending on the severity.

  130. All the people saying "boo hoo be grateful" aint even working that hard for what they have. I wasnt allowed to graduate because half a gram of weed in CA of all places, and had started suffering from ptsd bipolar and schizo that had slowly been building up from childhood, and my dream is to be an artist. This system lives just to fuck me over. I shouldnt have to live off of 650 a month and in turn no one will rent me a place or a room and ive had to be homeless before just so that i can follow my dream and become what i want. And to the person who said "its supposed to supplement your existing income" are you retarded? My doctors said i cant get another job without them taking it out of my ssi and im not about to work a shitty starbucks jkb dealing with assholes like you who think you worked for what you have in this pig pen of a country. All you do is talk lol that aint shit. Ive beeen begging to get a job in construction or anything that pays well but no one will hire and i cant afford school and trying to make it as a freelance artist doing commissions is really hard. And i cant go to school for that stuff to get a more formal and steadier paying art job and be rid of ssi. And no im not on wic or foodstamps or anything else because im not greedy like you evil fucks try and make us out to be. I mean i would go live on my own in the forests or mountains and no one would have to deal with me ever again but i cant even do that because all the lands (thats not even being used) is taken. This country sickens me and i hope you fuckers rot in something far worse than hell. Ive been fucked over constantly and still fiht and work harder for what i want and on very little. Youre greedy delusional little naive children that think hard work means sweating for 8 to 12 hours a day or making a 6 or 7 figure deal. Get fucked in the urethra bye. Time to live a passionate life where i domt put others down for being dealt shit circumstances.

  131. I have had epilepsy since I was 15 so I could never have a job I have been on disability since I was 16. I am now 24 years old and cant get a job bc of it and I cant get more than $650 in disability checks because I have never worked. I cant afford to pay Bill's NC of it. I am still living with my parents bc I get paid so little.

  132. Most of you have no idea what you are talking about. I'm a veteran who served for 6 years in the Army. I also worked my entire life from the time I was thirteen years old because my parents were assholes who only cared for themselves. I never could get a job that paid much more than min. wage and never could afford college. When the economy tanked in 2008 I lost my job like millions of others. Great way to start your fifties. A few years afterwards I started developing medical problems that I won't bore you with except to state that I now live in constant pain. In my home state of California SSI pays me $910 dollars a month, most of which goes for rent. I haven't had a steak or eaten in a decent restaurant in years. This is what life is like for us "freeloaders" living off the system. Have a nice day.

  133. If they would just allow ssi recipients to earn $1000 free and clear(or more-idk the cost of living formula peratining to minimum wage?) that would do a lot! And not hurt the government at all. I could eat, maintain a car. A phone.

    Yes they could do more.

    I have been on ssi 25 years. Nothing has changed. Nothing. In 2022, it will be 50 years since they made the ssi working requirements and have no updated them since then. Ssi was written in 1972 and out into effect in 1974. So really the wage amount is from 1972.

    Nothing has changed. Nothing is going to change anytime soon. No one talks about it. All I hear from people when
    I mention it, is the system is really f-ed up. So? I hear about a basic income but absolutely nothing about the ssi disabled. Ever. If you look at poverty, those are the people in poverty. The others are the working poor and we hear all about them. Very few arent working and aren't on anything aide-criminals amd those waiting for disability. It would be cheaper to fix the disability system than pay every citizen a basic income. Many dont need it.

    Its worthless and stress inducing for me to think about this anymore. I pray something changes soon. It will be too late for me soon. I may spend the rest of my days working doing a job i hate cause thats all that pays nd thats all i can handle cause of my disabilities. Then, after i am working, they will make the change.

