
Jun 21, 2011

That's Rich

It was just last Friday that AARP let out that it might not be totally opposed to any cut in Social Security. You would think that Republicans might be feeling a little love for AARP right now. Not at the Social Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee. They are blasting AARP for what they say are fibs about the budget and entitlements. They are even criticizing the AARP for suggesting that the budget can be balanced simply by eliminating waste, fraud and abuse. 
I don't think it's the AARP's fault that most people believe that the budget can be painlessly balanced by the elimination of "waste, fraud and abuse." Republicans have been making a living off the "waste, fraud and abuse" myth since Ronald Reagan was President. Look in the mirror, Republicans. You're the ones responsible for the public believing this myth, not AARP. And while you're at it, remember who is to blame for the myth that cutting taxes increases revenue.

1 comment:

  1. Althought the website doesn't make it at all clear, that is not an original Committee statement, but a reprint of a Washington Post column (
