
Jun 26, 2011

They Say We’re Young And We Don’t Know; We Won’t Find Out Until We Grow

Millionaire pop legend Cher is eager to hand back her social security when she hits retirement age next year in a bid to help Americans struggling to pay their bills.

Believe hit-maker will be eligible for pension payments from the U.S. government when she hits 66 next May ...

However, Cher is adamant she's too wealthy to accept the payments, and has taken to her page to ask how she can give the money back - and calls on other rich stars to follow suit.

She writes, "It's just my heart breaks 4 (for) the people of my country! Rich people should give their Social Security back 4 the 1's (ones) who need it. Someone said I should announce I want to give back my Social Security cause I don't need it! Great! I'm Down! But where? 


  1. Perhaps she should'nt apply for it.

  2. If she wants to help people, she should take Social Security and give the money away (along with any other money she cares to add). Refusing to take Social Security (and saying that everyone who doesn't need it should also) doesn't help anyone. It just suggests that Social Security should be a welfare program.

  3. If she takes her Social Security she will have to pay substantial taxes on it, which the government will then spend on waste, which doesn't help anybody either. If she is on Medicare part B she is also paying a hefty IRMAA penalty, as well. There is actually no good answer, which seems to be the spirit of the times we live in.

  4. "If she takes her Social Security she will have to pay substantial taxes on it"

    Assuming she has substantial other income that would cause her SS benefit to be taxable, and assuming she is at the top tax rate, she would pay about 30% (85% taxable and 36% rate) of what she gets in SS benefits back in taxes.If her benefit is $2,000/month (close to top) that means she would pay tax of around $8000 on benefits of $24,000. If that is what you mean by substantial, so be it.

    Of course, since you suggest everything the Government spends on is waste, well there is really no argument to refute that nonsense.

  5. Nowhere did I state that everything that the government spends is waste. Typical straw man argument of the left--Make up a statement then refute it. The government spends more than is needed. Any additional spending, or the marginal spending increment, is therefore waste. So if cher pays more taxes, it will go to waste, because the government virtually always uses additional revenues on additional spending. So its "only" $ 8000.00. Well, it's her money, which is what the left never seems to grasp.

  6. Cher sentiment sound very honorable to me.

    Perhaps some rich people do understand current events in this country.?

  7. Cher,

    Just send the money to me and I will see that it goes back to US.

  8. Sounds like a volunteer for our next PSA spot! Move over Patti, George, Chubby, and Don.
