
Jul 9, 2011

"The Dirty Rotten Devil's In The Dirty Rotten Details"

From TPM Media:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has made one thing clear, publicly and behind the scenes, in high-stakes debt discussions: Her caucus won't support Social Security benefit cuts, and Republicans better listen closely, because they need Democratic votes to increase the borrowing limit.
But she may be powerless to stop one increasingly discussed plan to lower Social Security's cost of living adjustment, which would escalate cuts to the program over time. Though in public, and more frequently through surrogates, she agitates against the change, it's an idea that has bipartisan support -- and so a likely candidate in any final debt deal....
"There's concern in my caucus about what would happen with CPI, some think that it's a benefit cut, others do not," she admitted. "The dirty rotten devil's in the dirty rotten details."

1 comment:

  1. The present "cost of living" figures (the ones that show that there is no inflation, even though anyone with eyes sees supermarket prices go up and quantity in product boxes going down) is a LIE. Now they want to make the figures LIE even more.

    Do not trust government cost of living, unemployment, economic recovery, or other figures. I was a Boy Scout and want to trust my government, but it is clear and unmistakable that they are making us the statistics.
