
Jul 19, 2011

Down To The Wire

From the Washington Post:
The current timeline, according to aides in both parties, would call for the Senate to unveil its bipartisan plan [to raise the debt ceiling] later this week and begin to consider it Saturday. With a week of parliamentary hurdles to clear, the Senate could pass its bill by July 29, leaving the House just four days to consider whether to approve the plan before Aug. 2, when the country would no longer be able to pay its bills. ...
Obama met Sunday with House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and Republican Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) to discuss the way forward. While aides provided no details about the meeting, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said in an interview Monday that he is “absolutely” confident a deal will be reached.“Despite what you hear, and this is a complicated place, Washington, people are moving closer together,” he told CNBC.
And if that House of Representatives vote on July 29 fails, there are tough days ahead forSocial Security recipients and everyone else in this country.


  1. And what did the Washington Times say?
    The Washington Post is well known for Democrat and left of center sympathies.

    Uncle Sam has not been running his fiscal house well for many years, Democrat and Republican. Sooner or latter it deserves less than a "AAA" bond rating -- why not bring the truth on "August 3" rather than have outsides bring it on like Greece, Ireland, ..., on the bankster's time table.

    On the upside, higher intreats rates might mean that my small bank saving account could earn more than 0.04% !

  2. Look at the stock market this morning - the exact opposite of yesterday.
    What happened in between?
    I believe the stock market is the absolue last entity to go down, if it ever goes down.
    Heck, even if it goes down 50% in one year, it goes up 50% the next year.
    90% of the stocks are owned by 10% of the people.
    It seems like there is some kind of "agreement" between everyone to support each other, and to hell with eberyone else!
    Don Levit
