
Jul 11, 2011

House Hearing On Social Security Administrative Law Judges

Two Subcommittees of the House of Representatives held a hearing today on the role of Social Security Administrative Law Judges (ALJs). Commissioner Astrue was the main witness. Some points I caught:
  • Too much political pointmaking by members of Congress on both sides but it is particularly annoying to hear a Republican member defend Social Security's operating budget for this fiscal year by saying the President signed it!
  • No one beat up on ALJs
  • No ALJs mentioned by name
  • 58 ALJs have been discliplined while Astrue has been Commissioner
  • Social Security may take disciplinary action against ALJs for low production.
  • Astrue talking about the lack of significant additional salary for supervisory ALJs: "There's a lot of heartache in managing lawyers."
  • Social Security was close to furloughs in April 2011.
  • Astrue thinks it may be realistic to eliminate reconsideration in a few years.
  • Astrue thinks the number of District Court remands has something to do with the use of Magistrate Judges.
I understand the hearing was on CSPAN-3. It will probably be replayed tonight.

I have no idea why the Subcommittees has not posted the written statements online. One member quoted some strong language in Astrue's written statement about the need for the President's recommended budget for fiscal year 2012. Everyone concerned for the future of the Social Security Administration should be pleased with this.



    It is on CSPAN-3

  2. You are wrong, Astrue is all about beating up on ALJs. 'His hands are tied,' what do you think he wants but to be able to have complete control over ALJs? Its so rich that he's complaining when the high payers and uber-producers are the direct result of his policies and the pressure he's imposed to get cases out no matter what.
