
Jul 14, 2011

Is Cantor The Obstacle To Social Security Checks Going Out In August?

From TPM Media:
Behind the scenes, leading members of both parties have concluded that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) is an impediment to resolving the debt limit standoff, and should back down. Now, Democrats are publicly calling for him to get real or go home.
"House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has shown that he's shouldn't even be at the table," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in a blistering floor speech Thursday morning. "And Republicans agree."
In a press conference shortly after Reid's floor speech, one of his top deputies, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) explained the Dems' frustrations.
"He is basically standing in the way," Schumer said. "It can't just be Eric Cantor deciding everything. If Eric Cantor decides everything, I fear we'll be in default."
Of course, if Democrats would just give Cantor what he wants, there would be no problem.


  1. Who the h*ll are Reid and Schumer to say Cantor should be in on the discussion. Cantor is probably the only person in the room to make sure there are real cuts and taxes aren't jacked up.

    I rather have Cantor involved than Schumer the Senator from Wall Street:


  3. Gee, and if the Repbublicans just gave Obama everything he wants, there'd be no problem.

  4. If the Repubs give Obama eveything he wants there will be tremendous problems. This Nation has got to get its spending under control. It's really late in the game.

  5. Anon #4, I believe Anon #3 was being sarcastic, given the tea baggers "its my way or I take my ball and throw it over the cliff" style of negotiating.
