
Jul 7, 2011

Pelosi Rules Out Social Security Cuts

From TPM Media:
After a contentious White House meeting with President Obama and other Congressional leaders, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) returned to the Capitol and drew an important red line: Members of her caucus won't vote for a grand bargain to raise the debt limit and reduce future deficits if the final deal includes cuts to Medicare and Social Security benefits -- and that means it probably won't pass. ...
It's widely believed that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) will need Democratic votes to raise the debt limit. Democratic leaders, including House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) have offered to help him out -- but not on Boehner's terms alone. Pelosi has her own terms.
"We have been very clear Democrats are not supporting -- House Democrats are not supporting any cuts in benefits for Social Security or Medicare," she said....
 At the meeting, Pelosi spoke for her angry caucus. She and other Dems were caught off guard by the fact that Obama has essentially locked Congress on a course to make deep spending cuts in popular programs, on GOP-friendly terms, without consulting his own party.


  1. I am so sick of the Congess infighting. They are like a bunch of bad children. Just pass the darned debt limit and get that out of the way. Then look carefully at Federal spending and think of the American people when you decide what to cut, etc. This is supposed to be government of the people, by the people, etc. instead of for the rich, influential, on and on. And we can't just throw them out because the new Congressional reps are worse than ever.

    In terms of cost of living increases--that is what they should be. Don't change the formula just to reduce the amount. What do retired and disabled people spend most of their money on: medicine, housing, gas...that is what the calulation should be based on. I know I am being too naive but I fear what the future holds if our legislators don't grow up.

  2. They will never "grow up" and they sure don't care about governing for the people. The only thing they care about is the doing the bidding of Wall Street and lining their own pockets.

  3. I agree with a lot of your comment, but I think it is a government of the rich, and I think the "infighting" is just for show. The leaders of both parties are willing to make unpopular cuts for the benefit of the wealthy, and by pretending to fight but ultimately agreeing, both sides deflect the blame. The liberal Democrats can vote "no", but that just means more Republicans are needed and so the bill might be worse.
