
Jul 13, 2011

Senate Republican Leader Doesn't Want To Cut Off Social Security Checks Because "I Don't Want To Help Barack Obama Get Reelected"

From the Huffington Post:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), under siege from conservatives over his opt-out proposal for the debt ceiling debate, defended the idea in crassly political terms during an interview on Wednesday morning....
"[W]e knew shutting down the government in 1995 was not going to work for us. It helped Bill Clinton get reelected. I refuse to help Barack Obama get reelected by marching Republicans into a position where we have co-ownership of a bad economy," McConnell said.  "It didn't work in 1995. What will happen is the administration will send out notices to 80 million Social Security recipients and to military families and they will all start attacking members of Congress. That is not a useful place to take us. And the president will have the bully pulpit to blame Republicans for all this disruption."


  1. It appalls me that he doesn't even PRETEND to care about the American people. It is all about politics and elections. We need to start voting these kinds of people out.

  2. What appalls me is that people pay lip service to all this crap from the GOP. They've had one purpose, and one purpose only, since Obama got elected. Get rid of him. Obstruct everything, keep spouting discredited economic theories, push hot buttons like abortion, guns, deficits (conveniently ignored during the last administration), and keep cutting taxes, even though it hurts the very people who bleat for them. Welcome to corporate media and a dumbed-down country. The Republicans are geniuses at politics, but they are completely incapable of governing. Thankfully, we can see signs of people waking up to this BS.

  3. Well said, Anon 8:48. I used to be Republican until this past year when I saw the display of Republican behavior with the looming government shut-down. Now, their uncompromising behavior with the debate over the debt ceiling further supports my decision. I will not be voting Republican in any upcoming election!!!
