
Jul 26, 2011

There's Your Problem

From a 60 Minutes interview of John Boehner, shortly before he became Speaker of the House of Representatives:
J. BOEHNER: We have to govern. That's what we were elected to do.

STAHL: But governing means a -- compromising.

J. BOEHNER: It means working together. It means find...

STAHL: It also means compromising.

J. BOEHNER: It means finding common ground.

STAHL: OK, is that compromising?

J. BOEHNER: I made clear I am not going to compromise on -- on my principles, nor am I going to compromise...

STAHL: What are you saying?

J. BOEHNER: ... the will of the American people.

STAHL: And you're saying I want common ground, but I'm not going to compromise. I don't understand that. I really don't.

J. BOEHNER: When you say the -- when you say the word "compromise"...

STAHL: Yeah?

J. BOEHNER: ... a lot of Americans look up and go, "Uh-oh, they're going to sell me out." And so finding common ground I think makes more sense.


  1. There is not much one can respond to that. He said it all--or didn't say it. He and the Tea Party would rather see this country and its people suffer rather than give in one inch for the good of everyone. I know there are Republicans that would like to COMPROMISE on this issue but they are so afraid of the Tea Partiers and of being ostracized from the club, that they would rather come across as spoiled, immature, uncaring, unyielding,.....All we can do is hope that the adults will take over soon.

  2. That Boehner is such a boner it drives me crazy. He doesn't give a s**t about the "will of the American people," he only wants to keep his pockets deeply lined. It makes me sick, these awful Republicans and Tea Partiers killing this country for their own damn well-being.

  3. We'll see what the "will of the people" will be come Nov 2012.

    Doesn't anybody get the fact that we're over our credit limit? So we should just keep bumping it up? Not on my watch. How about this report and the many others out there? Why not start with that?

  4. Raise taxes on the wealthy and reduce spending will make the goverment programs/social security whole again. "No new taxes" approach will not work. It maybe different if there was no outsourcing.

    Democrats 2012.

  5. Can you please stop with all the liberal talking points and GOP bashing? Your website has such good, up-to-date information, but it disgusts me so much that i can barely check it because of all the one-sided political comments. Just put a big banner on the top of the page that says "All Republicans are idiots, and all Democrats are brilliant". Enough already, we know your ideology. Bashing the GOP in every post is not newsworthy. Thanks for letting me vent as I know you won't change anything. :)



  8. Boehner demonstrates the quintessential characteristic of a successful politician -- the ability to talk out of both sides of his mouth while his head is firmly lodged up his ass.

  9. For all these years we feared most the harm al Qaeda was prepared to do to America. Now we discover that the real threat to the American economy, and the real threat to our way of life, comes from terrorists in the form of Republicans in our own U.S. House of Representatives. Who would have suspected it?

  10. Funny how the Dems are screaming for compromise now that they are the ones who are on the receiving end of the face slaps. The Dems didn't seem to want to compromise on healthcare than the majority of Americans didn't want. Congress has been outta control for years both R's and D's. It's time to take the bitter pill.

  11. RE 7:36: "It's time to take the bitter pill." I think a more appropriate saw would be one from the Vietnam War: "We had to burn the village in order to save it." If the nation's going to hurt more than a bitter pill.

  12. The liberals have lied for so long on so many things so that the power of governement could be increased,, this issue with the coming alleged catastrophe of the debt ceiling just makes me wonder if it is just more liberal lies aimed at more expansion of government power. I honestly don't know, but

  13. "The liberals have lied for so long on so many things so that the power of governement could be increased, this issue with the coming alleged catastrophe of the debt ceiling just makes me wonder if it is just more liberal lies aimed at more expansion of government power. I honestly don't know, but

    Run up a $10,000 balance on a credit card, then don't pay it for a few months. When your interest rate goes up to 30%, you see the real cost of not paying your bills. The same principle applies to the national debt. If the debt is downgraded, it will cost a lot more to borrow (money coming out of the budget to pay higher interest on the debt that otherwise itself could have been used to pay down on said debt or to pay for programs).

    In short, it is a big deal. The R's and D's are both showing how stupid both sides are. And comedian Ron White said it best: "You just can't fix stupid!".

    Just another example why if this country ever has another revolution they'll shoot the lawyers and politicians first. And, the politicians who are lawyers? Well, I think they will really be in a bad place then....

  14. As a Brit (us citizen widow w 2 american kids, and former stateside resident) I do NOT appreciate being referred to as "collateral damage" viz Bama's sword rattling re Aug 3rd payday. Anymore than I have the slightest respect for the sabre waving of the Republicans. I feel like a Qaddafi human shield in this brinkman High Noon B movie.
    Uncle Sam (who I cherish) needs to ask itself what the viewing world thinks of it. Believe me - it is not flattering at the moment. The global economy is in a mess - Cap Hill is winding up the world. Needs to grow up or lose popularity and respect.
