
Jul 15, 2011

What Else Can They Say?

From Social Security Emergency Message EM-11051 that went out to Social Security employees yesterday:
If an individual inquires about payment of Social Security or SSI checks due to concerns about the federal debt ceiling, provide the following response:

“We’re sorry but we don’t know.”


  1. Yeah, but the Operations Bulletin that went out said that people were telling people to contact the White House and to stop that. I guess Mr. I Can’t Guarantee Social Security Payment Are Going Out didn’t want the heat.

  2. "We’re sorry but we don’t know.”

    If all SSA responses were that simple and precise,the process would be less confusing.

  3. "I guess Mr. I Can’t Guarantee Social Security Payment Are Going Out didn’t want the heat."

    Or maybe he didn't want gov employees having to engage in what will quickly turn into a political discussion by employees pointing to or directing the public to either the WH or the tea baggers in Congress to voice their concerns.

    While it's obvious that people can and should contact their president and congress people, it's always been a formal agency position to not go down that path because of the fine line regarding politics you are embarking on, and especially during Hatch Act election season.

    Plus Astrue's big on plain language. I don't know is as short and sweet as it gets.
