
Aug 12, 2011

Some Things That Ought To Be On The Public Record

I have finally gotten around to uploading to Scribd some documents that I have that I think ought to be on the public record. Most are of current relevance but a few have mostly historic value. I don't know where else you would find any of these. Take a look.
     If you have documents you think ought to be in the public record concerning Social Security, scan them and upload them to Scribd and let me know  I'll let others know. Or just send the document to me and I'll upload it. Don't upload or send me anything that includes personally identifiable information or anything that should genuinely remain secret, such as documents concerning security plans at Social Security. Don't upload material under copyright.
     I cannot seem to find a copy of the DSI or HPI plans. It would be good to get those in the historical record so we never repeat bad ideas. I'm sure that Social Security would like to toss both of them down the memory hole.


    1. Charles,

      This is an awesome resource. It goes a long way towards preventing "hide the ball" by a large bureaucracy.

      Thank you.

    2. The link to Re-Engineering Plan 1994 is broken

    3. Better lawyer up. Remember what happened to Julian Assange;)

    4. Good work, Charles. Dang, some of these are really trips down memory lane. Somewhat bumpy trips, at that.
