
Oct 25, 2011

More Than 300 Remote Service Sites Closed

From the Daily Chronicle of DeKalb, Illinois:
Federal budget cuts have led to the discontinuation of Social Security services at the DeKalb Senior Services Center, ending a 32-year program that helped up to 200 people per month.
The DeKalb location is just one of more than 300 remote service sites throughout the country that have ended services because of a $1 billion cut to the Social Security Administration this year. Services had been declining in DeKalb as weekly visits turned biweekly a few years ago and finally became monthly visits in the spring.


  1. "The DeKalb location is just one of more than 300 remote service sites throughout the country that have ended services because of a $1 billion cut to the Social Security Administration this year."


    Just because Barry requested some pie in sky number, and Congress provided less, it was not a billion dollar cut.

    "In April, Congress passed a 2011 budget that cut Social Security's administrative budget by almost $1 billion from the Obama administration's requested amount."

  2. In any case, these "remote sites" are in most cases worthless and don't justify the costs in their upkeep. This is about time, in any budgetary climate. Note the "most" qualifier.
