
Nov 26, 2011

Fourth Volume Of Caro's Biography Of LBJ Due Out In May 2012

Lyndon Johnson is a major figure in Social Security history -- probably the most important figure apart from Roosevelt. Under his presidency:
  • Medicare was added to the Social Security Act. Social Security was responsible for the initial implementation of Medicare.
  • Social Security was added to the unified federal budget setting the stage for the administrative funding problems that the agency has had in recent years. 
  • The definition of disability was changed in 1965 so that there is only a one year duration requirement. Previously, there had been essentially a requirement of permanency. 
  • The definition of disability was also changed in other ways quite unfavorable to claimants in 1967.
  • The worker's compensation offset was added.
  • Disabled widows benefits were added.
     I think the best three non-fiction books I have read in the last 25 years have been The Path to Power, Means of Ascent and Master of the Senate, the first three volumes of Robert Caro's monumental biography of LBJ. I am thrilled that the the fourth volume, The Passage to Power, is due out on May 1, 2012. If you have never delved into this series, you have a treat awaiting you. Johnson was both appalling and admirable but always fascinating. I hesitate to say this but Johnson may have been even more interesting a person than Lincoln and that is saying a lot! Think that Johnson's time as a Congressional aide couldn't have been interesting? Think again. It was unbelievable. Caro is an extraordinary biographer with an inscredible subject. This volume will deal with Johnson's time in office and all those major Social Security decisions
     It does not matter what your political views are. You do not have to be a person who is ordinarily interested in history or biography. These books are a hell of a read.

1 comment:

  1. "Social Security was added to the unified federal budget setting the stage for the administrative funding problems that the agency has had in recent years."

    Guns and butter. Needed more money to keep the military industrial complex and welfare state a float. Set the example for getting us into the debt mess we are in today.
