
Nov 14, 2011

Tough On Disability Claimants

The St. Augustine Record of Florida reports on the longer waits for appeals and tough standards affecting Social Security disability claimants. This appears to have been planted by Allsup but the reporter, for a change, removed Allsup's name from the piece. I don't know if that's good journalism but it's better than what most do. Of course, the piece is true. It is tougher to get claimants on disability benefits and appeals are starting to take longer.


  1. This story does not add up. My guess is that DDS issued a durational denial, believing that the myeloma would be in remission within twelve months. However, if this guy has been waiting eighteen months and still needs aggressive chemotherapy, he ought to be on benefits. Why hasn't Allsup requested an OTR? With the way SSA hands out favorables like candy at the hearing level, this should be an easy pay unless there is some important factor that is missing from the story.

  2. I agree with the above poster. If the rep has not filed an OTR request on this case, something is wrong. Of course it could have been requested and this could be an ALJ that "doesn't do" OTRs.

    A case like this sitting in the appeals process for 18 months is inexcusable.

  3. I love how you are so paranoid and threatened by Allsup and think they "plant" all these news stories, as if they have control of the media at all levels ~ national and small markets alike.

  4. "A case like this sitting in the appeals process for 18 months is inexcusable."

    any case sitting around at the AC for 18 months is inexcusable.

  5. The case is not at the Appeals Council; rather, supposedly the person is waiting for his hearing.
