
Dec 22, 2011

Binder And Binder Piece In Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal is running its long anticipated story on Binder and Binder. I have not yet been able to read anything other than the blurb available so far online.
Here is a link to the full article.


  1. The article is very unflattering towards Binder. Allegations of Binder & Binder intentionally withholding medical records that are unfavorable, backdating documents, forging signatures, etc.

  2. Of interest is that on the list of attorneys who collected the most in fees is the name of Eric Conn, the attorney who had all of his cases filtered to and paid by ALJ Daugherty in WV. Mr. Conn was the thirdest highest paid representative (over $3 million) last year. Of course, Charles Binder was paid $22 million by SSA and his firm a combined $88 million.
