
Dec 6, 2011

Incident At Denver Office

     A local TV station in Denver is reporting on a report that a Social Security claimant at a local Social Security office was punched. Who did it and why are not reported.


  1. "He said if he gets his check, he’ll send a bouquet of flowers to the SSA manager like he said he would, then he plans to file suit."

    Lol. Ah you poor people in the field offices with your giant pile of work and lines out the door...

    Every time I hear horror stories like this I can't help but look around headquarters and notice everyone taking over 1 hour lunch breaks and doing nothing but planning b-day and holiday parties during 2 hour meetings. If people in field offices really saw how HQ operated, you would definitely see some punches fly.

  2. Word is the claimant punched the employee.

  3. Oh, my guess that it was a FOee on their last day before retirement. ...
