
Jan 24, 2012

Some PEBES Mailings To Resume

    From the Associated Press:
Social Security benefits statements — which officials stopped mailing to cut costs — will again be sent out to selected age groups.
Annual statements will begin being sent again next month to people 60 and older who are not yet receiving benefits, Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue said in a letter obtained by The Associated Press. One-time mailings to 25-year-old workers introducing them to the entitlement program and their potential benefits will begin being sent by the end of the year, the letter says.
     The benefit statements are officially known as Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statements (PEBES).


  1. One being sent out to 25 yr old as what a tease? You see this, this is what you won't be able to receive when you retire. Retire? There's no such thing as retirement for your generation, you shall work until death.

  2. maybe the well funded billion dollar Obama re=election kitty-bank fund could finance the mailings which, besides the basic figures, are mostly SSA public relations blather -- which is favorable to this BIG SPENDING Administration.
    There is no "equal time" box giving any Tea Party reply -- or simply that the "Trust Fund" money is not there!
