
Feb 29, 2012

Electronic Signature Process Coming

    It appears that Social Security will soon have an electronic signature process at least for the SSA-827 form, which authorizes the agency to obtain medical records on a claimant. I am not sure how this will work but if it does work, it is a big deal.


  1. SSA has had an electronic signature process for years. The SSA-827 was one of the few remaining items that was not part of it. Having it will speed up processing teleclaims and internetclaims.

  2. Good to hear.

    The SSA-827 could never previously be signed electronically because the regs always required a wet signature on the form. They must be planning some significant changes there.

    Look at the agency -- it is finally arriving in the 20th Century!

    Of course, we shouldn't depress them by pointing out that everyone else has moved on to the 21st...

  3. This is great, but there are still some very picky hospitals out there that will use their legal departments to support a refusal to honor it. I hope SSA can guide the PROs, or legal resources, nationwide to combat this. It's a shame when treating sources fear legal reprisals and forgo helping their patients navigate a disability claim.

  4. Always an issue with the 827's. Even if they are signed and submitted, those internet reps are quick on the draw and send out a new blanks to sign (again).
    Client always calls, didn't I sign this? How would something like this work?
