
Mar 2, 2012

More On Possible Union Contract

     More on the possible new union contract for Social Security, from the Federal Times:
... [S]everal key subjects still have to be hammered out. AFGE [American Federation of Government Employees] said provisions covering merit promotions, teleworking and performance appraisals are still being negotiated and must be written into the contract by the end of June. ...
Monthly transit benefits, now $60, will increase to $70 in the contract's first year, $80 in its second year, and $90 in its fourth year, said Witold Skwierczynski, who led negotiations for AFGE.
The current $50 benefit for eye exams and up to $175 for eyeglasses will increase to $65 for an exam and $200 for glasses, he said.
Skwierczynski also said employees will get more rights to union representation when meeting with SSA managers. For example, the contract will require managers to orally remind employees that they have the right to union representation when they're called into a discussion that might lead to disciplinary action. Currently, SSA only has to publish a notice once a year on those rights, Skwierczynski said.
And the agreement contains language that says SSA will not tolerate bullying from managers. Skwierczynski said that gives the union "a foot in the door" to file grievances against managers who allegedly bully their employees.


  1. What great victories for the union! This is truly a groundbreaking contract! (Tongue firmly in cheek...yawn...)

  2. What are transit benefits?

  3. Employees in some locations get reimbursed (in part) for use of public transportation to and from work or for parking fees. Those are transit benefits

  4. AFGE is happy about this!? wow , i wouldn't give a dime to them...oh wait, i don't.....

  5. I belive that the "transit benefit" is just allowing the employee to get a card allowing the expense be paid pre tax. The IRS allows a much greater monthly amount.

  6. Becareful of the eyeglass pruchase benefit, there have been examples of SSA management requesting the employ return the glasses when they leave SSA employment!
