
Apr 3, 2012

I Want Your Filthy Lucre!

     I've created a Cafepress shop  to sell Social Security themed merchandise. Mostly, this is Social Security Administration logo items such as caps, T--shirts and mugs but also some items with Social Security images. Eighty-six items are available for sale.

     In case you're wondering, all of the images on these items are in the public domain. If you've visited D.C., you've seen vendors on the streets selling items such as these with the logos of the FBI and CIA and the Presidential seal, for instance. 


  1. Not making enough money off all of your "disabled" clients, so you need to go into the merchandising business as well?

  2. Any idea where we can get a poster sized version of the old man with the pipe?

  3. Who would wear that stuff in public? It's bad enough seeing claimants who are pissed at me in the grocery store. I would never advertise my connection to SSA! That being said, I would be interested in old posters to hang on my wall.

  4. i've never seen SSA-wear adorned by my life!

  5. I'm buying the women's v-neck t shirt, and a hoodie. I think it will be good for business, and inspire strangers to ask me questions. It's what I do, after all.

  6. HHHaaa! Filthy lucre. Nice.

  7. AHEM!

  8. Anon 5:28 beat me to it...this is exactly what I thought when I read this, but as I do not post from my work computer, I had to wait until I got home. Take a good hard look at Section 1140 prohibitions.

  9. Wasn't this supposed to be posted on April 1?

  10. ANON 4:33, this cannot be an April Fool's joke because too much work went into making the website; claimant's attorneys rarely work that hard when money is at stake, certainly not going to work that hard just for a good laugh.
