
May 24, 2012

Veterans Get Big Break On Becoming ALJs

     From a Social Security press release:
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently announced that 10-point preference eligible veterans [those with service connected disabilities] interested in becoming an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) and working for Social Security can take the examination now even though the test is closed to all other applicants. More information about this opportunity is available at ...

So far this fiscal year, the agency has hired 210 veterans, including 91 disabled veterans, representing 34% of total new agency hires. Most of these veterans handle benefit claims and help reduce Social Security’s backlog of disability cases. Overall, veterans represent almost 10% of Social Security’s current workforce.


  1. This is nothing new. 10-point veterans have always been able to apply for ALJ positions even when there was no open application.

  2. Does this include "mentally disabled", too?
