
Jun 22, 2012

Do You Blame Him?

     From the Los Angeles Times:
Ron Paul, a staunch opponent of federal welfare programs, acknowledged Wednesday that he receives Social Security checks, shortly after advocating that younger generations opt out of the program. ...
“Just as I use the post office, I use government highways, I use the banks, I use the federal reserve system, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work to remove this in the same way on Social Security,” the Texas congressman said. “In the same way with Social Security, I am trying to make a transition.


  1. How many conservatives receive social security?

    I've never heard that answer on the news.

  2. Oh, I don't know, maybe all that deserve it?? I would imagine more liberals receive DI and more conservatives receive DIB, kind of that old "responsibility" thing, doncha know.. And I would imagine more liberals receive Child SSI than conservatives..

  3. As payment into the system is mandatory, I don't think eventual receipt of benefits is inconsistent with opposing some portions, or all of, the program.

    I'm staunchly conservative. I might not have set the program up in the way that is set up, but by goodness, I want to see Social Security uphold its obligations to the disabled and elderly.


  4. "And I would imagine more liberals receive Child SSI than conservatives.."

    Wrong...liberals believe in birth control.

  5. Don't forget what happened close to a year ago in July when the People were put in suspense close with the Debt Ceiling debacle. It seems neither party are trustworthy. They say they want to "fix" the programs, yet they're "on" them? Hmmm, Pot call the Kettle, don't ya think?

  6. ANON 12:55, liberals may believe in birth control (though that does not mean they use it effectively), but conservatives believe in hard work and therefore their incomes would be too high to qualify for child SSI
