
Jun 27, 2012

GAO Critical Of Social Security On Child's SSI

     From a report of the Government Accountability Office:
The number of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) child applicants and recipients with mental impairments has increased substantially for more than a decade, even though the Social Security Administration (SSA) denied, on average, 54 percent of such claims from fiscal years 2000 to 2011. ...
[Disability] Examiners also do not routinely receive information from SSA [Social Security Administration] field offices on multiple children who receive benefits in the same household, which SSA’s fraud investigations unit has noted as an indicator of possible fraud or abuse. Without such information, examiners may be limited in their ability to identify threats to program integrity. ...

SSA has conducted fewer continuing disability reviews (CDR) for children since 2000, even though it is generally required by law to review the medical eligibility of certain children at least every 3 years. ... SSA acknowledged the importance of conducting such reviews, but said that due to resource constraints and other workloads, such as initial claims, most childhood CDRs are a lower priority.


  1. We are told year after year to STOP processing CDRs - child or adult -because our DDS he enough in the pipeline to reach their quota for the year. Until funding matched workload demands, the program will continue to be ripe for fraud, waste and abuse.

  2. I can't believe that SSA is wasting money this way. We need to cut their funding some more until they can get their act together.

  3. It's my understanding a child isn't legally responsible for
    food,shelter,other expense unless
    emancipated so why should cash benefits be giving out. It's the parent responsibility. But state government should provide medical insurance.
