
Jun 28, 2012

A Minor Question

     I know that there is a ticker running across the top or bottom of the screens of computers on the Social Security newwork giving in-house information -- usually something like news that some data functionality is down or some field office is temporarily closed due to a water main break. Did news of today's Supreme Court action on Obamacare run across this ticker?


  1. No and why should it??

  2. The system you are referring to has been discontinued. There have not been any agency wide emails addressing the decision yet. HHS did send out a blast email to all its employees

  3. Digital black crepe would be more appropriate.

  4. The ticker thing was replaced with a Windows 7 gadget. The Supreme Court ruling isn't the type of thing that would be sent out in that system. It's used to notify us of system problems, office closings, things that might affect the day's work.

  5. yeah nothing about it. It really is the IT nerds broadcasting so their phones stop ringing with everyone reporting the same thing

  6. most people (except IT) have figured out how to shut that "ticker" off.

  7. I turned that ticker off on my first day working here.

  8. Yet another example of Charles Hall thinking he knows something about how SSA is run.

  9. It has been almost a year now since I lost saw that and I always disabled it because office closings and connectivity issues in another region are something I do not need to know about.

    And echoing other's statements, why would this decision be something I need to know about? Until any programme changes are decided on and finalized, it would not change how we process or handle anything.

  10. The ticker is run by IT to alert users about systems related issues.

    SSA IT guys need a raise because without them, we'd be in deep doodoo!

  11. Good Lord people, get a grip! It was not just about IT systems, it had office closures on it too, etc. We don't use that anymore Charles - long gone. But the Atlanta Regional Office is closed due to a water main pumping station problem. A couple of field offices are closed, one indefinitely (Ocala), due to TS Debby.
